Messages in gabriel_zeiger and Andrew Anglin

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we cant really use these google translates that don't make any sense
I'm fixing this one, but in the future, if you can't find english, fix them.
also, this article is a little bit misconstrued... they elected two people to lead the party, not just the dyke
also, if i'm just going to pour a bunch of negative shit on you here, only men can engage in sodomy
actually really sharp article otherwise
okay one more thing.
the afd hasn't not gone anywhere with petry as the head, they've exploded
it's a brand new party
they've never run in national elections before
this whole concept of a dual leadership though, i don't know if this is done in europe, i've never even heard of it ever
Yeah, the english sources i found didn't mention that she was a lesbo (i wonder why...) and i was worried about the journalistic ethics of editing the google translate. ie. that if I change something and it changes the meaning of the original, that it would be deceptive.
there's a commie party here with dual leadership
a bulldyke and a moslem, lol
also, not sure if you noticed, but i wrote 3 other articles yesterday
yeah i just correct grammar on google translate
and sometimes i'll ask someone
it's usually swedish or german and i have several natives on my skype
and you for french
alright, i'll do that in the future
fyi, i wrote the 5 race war articles in 45 minutes
yeah they were perfect too. exactly what we need.
more videos better
oh and the thumbs needed cropped
and your byline format today is missing the comma after the date - april 26, 2017
but yeah otherwise exactly right.
five videos would have taken the same amount of time then.
or preferably six
maybe shorter
i might actually push it up to 8 in that section if someone is doing it
but then have the requirement by six, and maybe i throw in one or two myself, or someone else does. you do sometimes
i think a bigger video section would be positive
yeah, i tried finding videos on youtube for each story, but didn't find anything
if someone has the subscriptions to all the channels you recommend, the video section could probably be done faster than the race war. maybe 30 minutes. so 1h15 to 1h30 total, I'd say
well maybe we should push it to eight videos a day.
the videos will each need their own little lines
and with these two sections, i think whoever - or shall i say <i>whomever</i> does it should get to the point where i don't have to approve the post
like ben does with radio
because none will be featured and the order isn't relevant
except that sometimes i write or post special things in those sections... but that can be figured out
but yeah whatever the deal, we're not talking about more than two hours a day when it's all settled. the big drawback is that it has to be every day, because i don't want something where i have to remember to do it myself on certain days because i have trouble with shit like that
i know my weaknesses
i guess we could be having this in the main chat
<a href=";action=edit">;action=edit</a>
weev asked me to "dress this up". it seems like it covers everything. do you have anything else you'd like to add or change to the post?
almost 5000 raised in just a few hours, hope this keeps up
we should change the name
i'm asking weev
we really need a new banner
if you're on it
maybe we shouldn't do white sharia during the fundraiser
what design would you liike instead?
i don't know if we can do a bnner related to the suit
i have no idea about any of this
yeah, there might be legal stuff related to that
anyway, one of the old synthwave ones works
seems like one should be lying around
that futurist made
that old thread had some good ones
i'll dig it up
fug, he didn't upload them to the forum and the imgur link is broken
<a href=""></a>
this is pretty good
<a href=""></a>
this is also not bad
can you rmemeber if we've used either one of those before
no, we never have
kk we'll try first one
save second one
hey ho
you have a number?
Yeah, 15146998041
Oh did you mean a count of the articles?
I'll check
lol yeah
i thought that was a clever joke for a second
like you just wrote a random number
total is 79. 6 are short, and 4 shouldn't be counted
so 69 normal, 6 shorter ones
lol yeah, that was my phone number
when someone asks for a "number", i think of a phone number
was there something else you did that you should get paid for
okay i added another 20 i think you did two banners
ah, right
the april fools and hitler birthday ones
i paid you too much
how much btc do i send back?
i was confused, i thought it was 79 normal and 6 short
no 79 total
so i paid you for ten extra normal ones
yeah, i just sent it
kk thx
hey, if i needed to declare some official source of income, could i send you invoices for the work I do? probably not for everything, just enough to be able to deposit some money into my account to pay for bills.
i have no idea. i'll ask the accountant. i haven't done my taxes yet.

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