Patrick MO

@PF-5788 RocketChat ID: zgrDGCxM2y8rsfbho

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What time do you need to pick me up for the banner drop?

I'm also concerned about some discussions around the campfire Friday night with Sean KS, at first he was criticizing PF for not putting up Its OK to be White and stickers that explicitly mentioned Jews but after further discussion he said that the OKC bombing prevented the government from violence against dissidents like Waco and Ruby Ridge. Also believed that Tarrant's actions in New Zealand benefitted our people. About 5 other people were there that can vouch for this discussion having taken place.

He founded and abandoned a group in Kansas City that I have friends in called Coterie because they would not take his positions.



Thomas wanted more details but I'm not sure what more I can tell you. If you have any questions I'll try to answer them. One of the PF guys listening in traveled in China and Hong Kong, the other wore a Stetson hat and lived on the border of Canada previously. I don't remember their names, didn't think it was going to be a problem at the time until the aftermath of the parking lots and after I thought about it for a few days.

I'll be there.

That's a good question and one I don't have a very good answer for. Combined with him telling me the first and last name of the co-founder of Coterie at the Midwest hike, I'm concerned.

He wants PF to be a explicitly white nationalist, explicitly anti-Jewish organization. I explained that he can put up whatever stickers he wants as long as they don't contradict the message of PF. He seems to have a very negative opinion on Thomas, but even after me urging him to talk to Thomas, to my understanding he did not.

I think it would be good to have you, Sean and Thomas talk things through and get his perspective before you question him or confront him on anything.

He feels like he's narcissistic and not a strategic thinker on his level, has zero respect for him.

Was watching a Asha Logos YouTube video and recognized this symbol from the one on the bus, Torch Antifa, the three downward pointed arrows. Tried to send it to you on Telegram but it wouldn't send.

Good idea, just try not to do activism in a circle around where you live for security reasons. And welcome to Patriot Front brother 💪🏻 @Logan MO

Perfect 👌

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