George TX

@PF-874734 RocketChat ID: 8gQTA577Y95R6ib8S

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@NQ - Paul TX I would tell them to come hang out, but I'll be in Austin all weekend 😔 and I completely agree, @Thomas nothing ever worth doing has been easy or without risk. I have never felt unsafe with you and the men though. Not once.

I think that that would be the best thing. They are younger dudes so they would probably feel more comfortable with me being there. I can try to find a day that works for everyone.

My occurrences at work are falling off soon as well, so I'll be more flexible with getting time off.

Work and another dude is a long time friend from a past job as well.

I've known the one dude from the past job for like 4 years and the other two for a year. Solid guys.

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