(DM) Jack AZ & John AZ

RocketChat ID: QhMNSMSv6AxgGCqzeqotPSvdnzAaeQEMS7

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Jack AZ @PF-9412

Are you going to make it on the road trip next weekend? And the event in early December?

Jack AZ @PF-9412

• What activism have you performed this week?
• What fitness, training, or self-improvement have you done this week?
• Are you attending the Road Trip to Utah this weekend (Nov. 19th - Nov. 21st)?
• Are you attending the December event?
• What is your availability this week and next weekend?

Jack AZ @PF-9412

Next time you can't make a meeting, contact me in advance.

John AZ @PF-490342

I have plans to go with Gabriel immediately

John AZ @PF-490342

I have been attending physical therapy weekly

John AZ @PF-490342

I will not be attending the Utah trip as I am caught up in work and can't get the time off.

John AZ @PF-490342

I most likely will not be able to attend the December trip due to certain problems

John AZ @PF-490342

I should be available this week to do activism

Jack AZ @PF-9412

As far as scheduling meetings: is there another day or time in the week that would work better for you?

Jack AZ @PF-9412

Network meeting tonight at 6:00pm. Let me know if you cannot attend.

John AZ @PF-490342

Yes I did

John AZ @PF-490342

I mean it was almost kind of obvious, but still very unfortunate for our organization.

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