(DM) Thomas & ND - Samuel VA

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ND - Samuel VA @PF-3564

"Hi Christian Erazo, nice to meet you!"

Victor DE login won't work; confirmed with Vincent TX that he was not locked out, probably forgot pw

Thomas @thomas


comments section here

Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 7, 2021 11:04 PM

The comments start at 9:55pm btw


Thomas @thomas

Seems a bit oppositional.

I spoke with Norman AL and Victor DE. I am going to have the two of them put their heads together on how best to revamp our vetting protocols

I will take a proactive role in steering the working group and will report back findings.

Thomas @thomas

Do they have an existing copy of Meeting Intermediates?

No they dont

Permission to share

Thomas @thomas

It would help so we aren't reinventing the wheel, no? Biggest issue thus far doesn't seem lack of protocols, but lack of following them. You may share.



Contents of the box are mainly, flags, pamphlets, hat clip lights, etc. Look like it belongs to the organization.

Thomas @thomas

All that was meant to be given out, just wish we had the time to spread it more evenly. Hold onto it.

Give out the pamphlets? Or is there oromat in there

Thomas @thomas

No promat as far as I know, if there is it's not free. The booklets should be distributed, but NW9 already has way more than it has members.

For now

Keep processing apps

I will build you an army

Thomas @thomas

I printed 600 booklets.

Thomas @thomas

We will be able to give them out more along the East during M4L.

Okay then I will build you a brigade

Thomas @thomas

How is progress with expenses assessment?

I'll get wn update from Ben now

"Several more people got back to me with vehicle info. I'll fill it in when I get home tonight. That might be everyone."

Thomas @thomas









This guy seems to defend us and has a good following; not our immediate audience, may be worth to go on an interview

Thomas @thomas

How many views does his show get?

I am not sure, I was just sent these by a friend

Roger VA, Kenny VA, John VA and Vincent VA are all cleared to have their membership rights reinstated by me

Thomas @thomas

Was John subject to additional investigation?

Yes I met with him last night I reviewed his phone particularly the call log. I screen recorded the entire exchange with his woman

Just forwarded to you on telegram

Thomas @thomas

What are you sending me on Telegram?

(During the time from when the phones were returned and turned on til about 7:30pm Saturday night)

The chat log with John and his woman at the time he was going outside to make calls with her

Thomas @thomas

That log is disgusting.

Thomas @thomas

But it checks out

Why is it disgusting?

Thomas @thomas

The language used is juvenile and soppy.

Thomas @thomas

Some women are into that, I guess.

Thomas @thomas

It's irrelevant.

Agreed, but it does make him more credible

John's character background had originally made me uneasy, but since getting to know him his juvenile and naivete have made me more at ease that he is who he says he js

I breathed a sigh of relief last night when I'd finally tied the last loose end on my local

Thomas @thomas

Provided any current infil can access Mumble, he could get a list of members with damaged vehicles, and cross reference that with plates.

Thomas @thomas

Until we're certain that the investigation is concluded we should not do things like that in Mumble.


Thomas @thomas

All we need right now is the A&B info.

people are being uncooperative with providing and I needed an opportunity to shake em for it

Thomas @thomas

If they aren't telling us then they aren't getting reimbursed.

Thomas @thomas

That's a personal decision.


could you please do me a favor then

clear the chat history in that vehicle damage chat

let me start over

Roger VA: Roger VA:
Mumble is not working said password changed

And I don’t know my password for rocket chat

Thomas @thomas

Haven't reactivated them yet.

Thomas @thomas

If someone else did, then they may have changed the PW on accident.

Thomas @thomas

His is now passwordreset

Thomas @thomas

This is a scripted message. Please make sure to review the recent announcement. Thank you.

Jesus christ! 91 new interviewees added in one day!

Thomas @thomas

Lots more.

And this is after you parsing through / weeding out the disqualified candidates

Thomas @thomas

Nope, I made sure to give vetting server access to the boomers telling us to kill black children with sniper rifles.

What the fuck man, I wanted James Mason in nw9

Thomas @thomas
Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 10, 2021 6:30 PM

"Gorilla warfare style"

This really is making Santa not so jolly, kids. Christmas is about giving


Remove Grant MD ben MD and Christopher VA from the list

Thomas @thomas

Grant MD
Ben MD
Christopher VA

Grant MD
Ben MD
Christopher VA

At the nw9 Christmas party. Ben MD is the official Quartermaster of nw9 from henceforth


Thomas @thomas

Will get to that. Also fix your profile image.

ND - Samuel VA @PF-3564

Did you have anything specific in mind?

Thomas @thomas

Step one would be finding it and seeing if it is still there.

ND - Samuel VA @PF-3564

NQ - Ben MD, friendly reminderino

Thomas @thomas

I spoke with Hovater yesterday. The total we will be raising among non-org sources if 4k.

Thomas @thomas

You have the clearance to work out everything with Chef.

Can we hop on a call?

Thomas @thomas




I have two non-members of high trust and tech acumen who have offered their services to help us with whatever tech matters we may have need for; one of them is the female friend who ID'd and removed the hostile software placed on John TX computer 2.5 years ago

Thomas @thomas

The crew is pretty well staffed right now.

roger that, I'll let them know we're good but I'll keep their offer tucked away in my back pocket

Thomas @thomas

Having non-members work on security updates kind of defeats the purpose, as well.

they are trusted and have been fixers/helpers for me in the past

if trust a 0-100 spectrum they both receive 100

Thomas @thomas

All the same.

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