(DM) Billy Merse TX & Cecil OK

RocketChat ID: WoGoz93GWbgpjFDvAouP5rtsu6Pubd67c9

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Are you in AKF?

Cecil OK @PF-981399


I'm trying to understand what's going on with Kurt, Carl CA.

Cecil OK @PF-981399

Ah. Idk. Im hearing chatter.

Cecil OK @PF-981399

Im not sure I know who you are

Cecil OK @PF-981399

I have travelles w carl before.

Ok, did you ask someone to inform me about Carl?

Cecil OK @PF-981399


Cecil OK @PF-981399

No. Ive never even heard your name I dont think. Whatever pf leadership has going on w karl made its way to another circle Im in because there was a big chat that he was in or whatever. They all flipped out and a few of us wrangled them down. I told them they were being retards and acting without class and that someone needs to inform org heads, be patient, and quit telling entire groups about rumors

Cecil OK @PF-981399

I told them Im not going to bother pf while they look into it because they arent going to tell me until I need to know anyways, plus im not privy to whats up.

Cecil OK @PF-981399

I told one guy that whoever tipped him off needs to be his update for what he brought

Well that makes sense how this got dropped in my lap. Do you know why he might have been suspected?

Cecil OK @PF-981399

No clue. Tbh I think he is a dork. And I personally wasnt inpressed. But I have no suspicions from my experience. He just seemed like a spergy kid.

Understood. Thank you for the info. I'll reach out to Thomas to see what's going on.

Cecil OK @PF-981399

So if he comes back bad Im taking this to my other people?

I'm trying to get more info.

Cecil OK @PF-981399

Heard. If he is bad I dont need to know specifics, but I need to let someone know

We have the big org meeting tomorrow, so we may go over some info there. Otherwise, your ND will be the guy to talk to for more info.

Cecil OK @PF-981399

Okay cool

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