(DM) Eric MI & Benjamin MI & Alan MI
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He's a PB
All their members love PF
make them all convert
they must begome Batriot Front
Most of them are gen X and Boomers
I'm going to mention that his younger guys can join
tell him anyone under 35 as long as they have have some free time for activism on a weekly basis and can keep up physically
i'm in mumble
@Benjamin MI :point_right: :point_left:
Still talking to him
gotcha :thumbup:
Hail Columbia,
Sovereign Land,
Hail Our Nation,
Hail Our Stand,
We'll Fight And Bleed,
In Freedom's Cause,
Ever Mindful,
Of The Cost.
Firm United,
Let Us Be,
Rallied 'Round,
Our Liberty,
As A Band,
Of Brothers Joined,
Peace in Vict'ry,
We Shall Find.
This is the chant they did in the hiking video fyi
Still on mumble? @Alan MI
i'm playing enlisted with my buddy from Louisiana
I have Enlisted :D
Never played it though
War Thunder is better
Alright so he knows no one who is eligable to join PF. Do you remember when PB put up those "refugees hunting permits"? That was the guy I talked too. They broke off from the state PB after that, he says they all love PF and follow us on telegram. They aren't as serious as PF, meaning they are more for trolling. Me and him have eachothers contact on telegram, he said he would let me know if they have a regular meet up. I told him thanks but not to expect anything from coming of all this like meet ups or collabs. It's nice to know that they follow us and they see our stickers though
new paleocon group just dropped in Michigan
They looks like they started in MI

Yes they did
We need to hit these locations hard
Grosse Pointe is not worth it, but Wayne State University is in metro Detroit
Sticker all over each college right before they come back from winter break
They're not a large group its not urgent, but we will cover their stuff if we find it. I'm pretty sure their "promat" is just paper with tape over it judging by their online resources
also western chauvinist accidentally said that our BLM coverup was in PA :angry:
I know I shared it everywhere like THIS WAS MICHIGAN NOT PA
It says it in the video jfc
ik I'm sure he'll notice the mistake soonish, will2rise also shared his vid
How do I view the western chauvinist, I downloaded T on the Google play store and can't see their posts ๐ฌ
download it straight from the telegram website
Ah ok
@Eric MI can you make a note that Michael still owes Alan $5 for the Thanksgiving fee, as well as the $60 for the tent. Also Francis owes me $50 for the jacket, I will be bringing it for the demo and he plans on paying me then
@Alan MI Do you want me to cashapp you the $20 Michael gave me, or do you want me to just give you the money at the demo?
I also bought 2 more batteries for the camera, specifically for the demo. I know Michael didn't pitch in some for the camera even though he said he would, if we can bully him into bringing $20 then that would be fine
Alright as long as you're fine with it. @Eric MI if you can update that lol
shes eating raw liver
the infamy pill
@Benjamin MI requested it
*urge to strangle intensifies
The "nose"
which way western man
I actually can't tell which person is me in the pic with michael because idk if i was next to him when that got taken
werent you wearing a camel pack?
yes i was
where am i wtf
maybe I'm the one behind Michael, thats what I was thinking at first.
- The initial security checkpoints don't need to be secluded park. A walmart like 25 minutes away is more than suitable. That way the location basically cannot get compromised.
2. Phones should not have been returned to everyone before going to the vehicle exchange. Two phones MAXIMUM should have been given to each vehicle. One of those phones should have been the navigator who is someone that is heavily trusted such as an ND, prospective ND, or someone like Jason NY. The secondary phone would be turned off but there as a back up in case.
3. The Uhaul trucks should have left the infiltration point once they saw that we were halfway across the Potomac. They should have parked elsewhere or just driven around while remaining within 5 minutes of the exfiltration point. Then they can come back to it to get us. This avoids them getting damaged.
4. The vehicle exchange location itself should almost never be a park. It should be an abandoned parking lot of some sort ideally. Parks have people come and go. Police and Bureaucrats routinely check parks on their routes. Also, box trucks stick out like a sore thumb at a park of that size.
5. Those guarding the vehicle exchange location need to be more vigilant and focused on the task at hand. They should not be on their phones, on their laptops, or napping in a back seat. They should be watching the lot almost every second, and they should even patrol it every now and then if its large enough.
6. Finally, travel leads need to be instructed to more properly formalize what their parties are on the way to the event and on their way from the event. There were a lot of travel party changes, sometimes justified sometimes arbitrary, which lead to immense inconvenience and confusion. Travel leads MUST be a designated group with a channel for the event. They should be REQUIRED to state who all is in their party when leaving the event before they leave. That way everyone can be accounted for.
Read this and give me your thoughts.
Looks good to me, those are all of the inconveniences and concerns i had
Was the guy guarding the vehicles actually pre-occupied with his phone or did he actually get confronted by antifa?
@Jason NY told me himself he was editing media2rise videos on his laptop when he was ambushed with the gun.
and the other virginia guys there told him they didn't see him get ambushed after it happened
which is like impossible
they literally must have been sleeping or something retarded for that to have happened.
Thats what im thinking
@Eric MI Is that you?
Based. I took that picture
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