(DM) Vincent TX & Wayne FL

RocketChat ID: NBdfiasKL46nyvAyXR3CbzX3b69SPHh5Qb

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Wayne FL @PF-412355

Let me know when you’re able to verify my mumble

Wayne FL @PF-412355

im in, I assume I just need to do the certs again right?

Vincent TX @PF-4354

You are in the server now?

Wayne FL @PF-412355

I can hop in now if needed

Vincent TX @PF-4354

Whenever you want to be verified.

Wayne FL @PF-412355


Wayne FL @PF-412355

It says I’m unable to connect

Vincent TX @PF-4354

Which server are you trying to join?

Wayne FL @PF-412355
Vincent TX @PF-4354

Please read the announcement that Thomas made this afternoon.

Wayne FL @PF-412355

Ah ok. What’s the link for the victory page?

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