Message from PF-640514

RocketChat ID: H48MrABnxad2MFzPH

I don't want to back out after you guys invested your time and energy into putting me through the interview process. I also understand the stakes here. I simply feel incapable of being on the level of the other members. Maybe it does take time. I don't think I've given off a good impression to have cold feet this early in, but it's hard to help. I read the guides on opsec and putting up promat like the stickers. Where is the line drawn between putting promat up and something you could get charged for? I felt it was right immediately after the interview, and I don't regret that, but it's tough to think about doing any more. Two main issues are I don't feel comfortable driving this place and that, and I don't know about the time investment each week. I'm very inexperienced, basically, and don't want to waste anyone's time. If I can't commit, what's the point of investing any more in me? I like what PF is doing. A lot. But to actually be out there gives me way more anxiety than watching videos. It's not easy and I feel in over my head. I know I should have went into the interview process with my mind already made up on these things, and I guess they were at the time, yet now I feel stupid.