Message from PF-729917

RocketChat ID: kxqhDki3LRPgSjqbQ

Conductor: Patrick TX
Notetaker: Randolph IL

Accepted Patrick approved of him being over age limit

Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application. 4 or 5 days

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Yes

Permanent Resident: Not planning on moving anytime soon

Political Ideology: Changed a lot in the last 2 years. Nationalist Socialist these days. Was libertarian.

Drug Abuse: No

Religion: Christian. No issue working with others.

Why Join: We are at a crossroads in the country. Wants to find like minded people who want to change the course we are on. Make people aware of the ideas in the manifesto.

Skills: Former Military. Army 4 years. Competitive shooting. Complied with firearms statement

Read Manifesto: Loved everything about the manifesto.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Never interviewed

Q2: No crimes. Former military.

Q3: No ailments

Q4: Started off conservative Inc. Big business is good, free markets ect. Became libertarian as he got older. Live and let live. Saw BLM riots. Realized that the media had turned into an anti-white propaganda machine. The writing was on the wall for our race. The people running the media are a bunch of communists whos agenda it is to destroy us.

Q5: Known about us for a while on telegram. Saw the DC march and decided to see what we are all about. Admired that we where willing to go out and stand up for what we believe. Media reaction made him like us. Conservative reaction show why he turned away from conservatives last year.

Q6: Migratory foreigners cannot become American. There is an ethnic component to being American. European heritage.

Q7: Family has been here since at least 1860. English and Welsh.

Q8: Not part of any other group. Some friends that are like minded. There is a political/legislative solution for the situation we find ourselves in.

Q9: Violence is justified only in self defense. Understands and agrees with violence statement.

Q10: Had a minor brawl almost 15 years ago.

Q11: Schedule has normal hours. Can make weekly meetings.

Q12: Biggest threat to America is the media and the people who control it because they have the power to shift the masses. The Jews control the media.

Q13: Gets most information from random people on twitter.

Q14: Label: National Socialist. Their goals where to protect the people that made up their country. The family made up the foundation of the nation and they wanted to protect that.

Q15: No religious/political conflicts

Q16: No books or essays. Europa the last battle.

Q17: Goes to gym. 6ft 190ibs. Starts with cardio and lifts the rest of the time at the gym. No martial arts.

Q18: Husband Wife and 9 kids (the more the better). Dad works. Mom raises children. Opposite of what is seen today. Has a family.

Q19: Admires Patton. He saw that we fought the wrong enemy.

Q20: Despise MLK JR because his message was full of lies. The truth is that he was funded and promoted by communists.

Q21: Nationalist movement is fractured. Everyone accuses the others of being feds. People need to share what they believe with others they know because they will no they are not feds.

Q22: Wants to get out of Illinois at some point. Wants to be able to tell his kids that he tried to do something.