Message from PF-1919

RocketChat ID: tWPwfKWTAJc6aZq3Y

Mumble 11/29/21

ATTENDENCE: Billy, Doug, Jason, Paul, Nathan, George

I. & II. Announcements & Inventory:

a) finalize travel plans for National

b) Nate is coming to National

c) TX pool party event in McKinney at 7pm. Jared Taylor, Stonetoss, PF gonna nbe there. $45 fee. there will be lodging.

III. Vices

Billy: completed a 3 day fast b4 the Thanksgiving holidays. Will be doing another fast. Will do 3 days every 2 weeks.
Doug: Stay on top of vitamins. Got a cpold over the break.
Jason: Read the NW pamphlet hasn't retained much.
Nathan: Weed. It's beneficial to have a reminder. Drinks over 20 vups of coffee day. Needs to figure out how to workout without weed.
Paul: doing more reading and staying off social media. didn't take too much time to read during the holiday week. it's more of a chore than entrertainment. This coming week will also be busy.

Billy recommends I (Jason), record myself reading and listen to it later on in th eday.

IV. Comments, Questions, Cocnerns.

Non judgmental time to open any grievances.