Message from @Gear

Discord ID: 501616979925270528

2018-10-16 04:44:17 UTC  

Jews did the Holocaust. They applied stronger selection pressures to themselves to become even more superior.

2018-10-16 04:44:20 UTC  

Why does that 4000 mean so much more

2018-10-16 04:44:27 UTC  

This is what's annoying about it.

2018-10-16 04:44:27 UTC  

Do you normally not consider suicide done out of desperation?

2018-10-16 04:44:29 UTC  

They were pretty much forced from the buildings because how hot it got and how much smoke was making them sufficate.

2018-10-16 04:44:34 UTC  

It made people realize how their safety was an ilusion

2018-10-16 04:44:45 UTC  

That 4000 has been gone on about since it happened. Practically nonstop.

2018-10-16 04:44:47 UTC  

And that 4000 died without any way to prevent that

2018-10-16 04:44:52 UTC  

How many wars has this caused.

2018-10-16 04:45:04 UTC  

Depression is an evolutionary trait from group selection to weed out the undesirables.

2018-10-16 04:45:05 UTC  

Four thousand people snuffed out at once a huge land mark and symbol of american culture at the time destroyed, The pentagon attacked and so eaisly by a foreign power that wished to destroy it.

2018-10-16 04:45:08 UTC  

Its saying that one small crack will be exploited to massive effect

2018-10-16 04:45:09 UTC  

That is why... my innocence died that day.

2018-10-16 04:45:21 UTC  

Because I realized how dangerous and cruel the world can be.

2018-10-16 04:45:24 UTC  

In real time.

2018-10-16 04:45:37 UTC  

So we invaded the people who did it but failed to set up a long lasting infastructure and goverment to make sure they didn't come back.

2018-10-16 04:45:42 UTC  

*cough circle road cough cough*

2018-10-16 04:46:20 UTC  


2018-10-16 04:46:33 UTC  

just focus on the nice shit or you get depressed.

2018-10-16 04:46:40 UTC  

I put an injured bird out of it's misery once. It was really hard to kill.

2018-10-16 04:46:47 UTC  

the world is a cold un-forgiving place that will break you if you aren't careful.

2018-10-16 04:46:53 UTC  

People born after 9/11 really don't understand the impact that had.

2018-10-16 04:46:59 UTC  

Watching it all unfold live...

2018-10-16 04:47:07 UTC  

On TV... how everyone around you went quiet.

2018-10-16 04:47:18 UTC  

How the days after, it felt like a fueneral.

2018-10-16 04:47:24 UTC  


2018-10-16 04:47:27 UTC  

Putting things our of their misery is neverfun.

2018-10-16 04:48:07 UTC  


2018-10-16 04:48:11 UTC  


2018-10-16 04:48:14 UTC  


2018-10-16 04:48:27 UTC  

That is why when 9/11 comes, it is important to be respectful and give a moment of silence to those that lost their lives that day.

2018-10-16 04:48:29 UTC  

Gear is preparing to roundhouse kick us.

2018-10-16 04:48:30 UTC  

Look out

2018-10-16 04:48:32 UTC  

yeah man I was like 6 when it happened?

2018-10-16 04:48:43 UTC  

I may be literally on the other side of the planet

2018-10-16 04:48:54 UTC  

But 9/11 kinda is proof to me that peace is... a fragile thing

2018-10-16 04:49:01 UTC  

So many self-rightious little pricks who don't know the impact it had being disrespectful to the dead pisses me off.

2018-10-16 04:49:03 UTC  


2018-10-16 04:49:09 UTC  

I'll roundhouse kick you into bed.

2018-10-16 04:49:13 UTC  

And tuck you in.