Message from @Andry

Discord ID: 323116060704505867

2017-05-30 20:11:40 UTC  


2017-05-30 20:12:37 UTC  

Even if he really is the son of God?

2017-05-30 20:13:17 UTC  

I'll still follow Luther.

2017-05-30 20:13:44 UTC  

I will convert him to Godhood

2017-05-30 20:14:43 UTC  

I have faith in Jesus now, but I would be disgusted if he turned out to be black

2017-05-30 20:16:12 UTC  

isn't that antithetical to jesus' teachings?

2017-05-30 20:16:45 UTC  

Yeah, but I'll never listen to a nigger rofl

2017-05-30 20:23:04 UTC  

@Pretorius Can I talk to you in PM for a sec?

2017-06-02 20:02:19 UTC  

Oh surprise... We were right... <:whatdidtheymeanbythis:319245722039877633> <:whatdidtheymeanbythis:319245722039877633> <:whatdidtheymeanbythis:319245722039877633> <:whatdidtheymeanbythis:319245722039877633>

2017-06-05 01:46:29 UTC  

At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes . . . will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.

2017-06-05 01:48:22 UTC  

There is, however, no doubt that the various races, when carefully compared and measured, differ much from each other,—as in the texture of the hair, the relative proportions of all parts of the body,2 the capacity of the lungs, the form and capacity of the skull, and even in the convolutions of the brain.3 But it would be an endless task to specify the numerous points of structural difference. The races differ also in constitution, in acclimatisation, and in liability to certain diseases. Their mental characteristics are likewise very distinct; chiefly as it would appear in their emotional, but partly in their intellectual, faculties. Every one who has had the opportunity of comparison, must have been struck with the contrast between the taciturn, even morose, aborigines of S. America and the light-hearted, talkative negroes. There is a nearly similar contrast between the Malays and the Papuans,4 who live under the same physical conditions, and are separated from each other only by a narrow space of sea.

2017-06-08 03:29:36 UTC  

"Social science traits are complex. There is no single gene causation like you see in something like Huntington's disease," he says. "So there are probably multiple or even hundreds of genes at play. We need to increase our sample sizes by a large degree of magnitude, 100,000 subjects or even more, so we can find the genes that only have these small effects. Once we nail those down, then we can look at what I think is the coolest question, which is how can we further understand how the brain works by looking at these genes at the molecular level."

2017-06-08 07:02:03 UTC  

There’s been no biological change in humans in 40,000 or 50,000 years. Everything we call culture and civilization we’ve built with the same body and brain -gould (my favorite)

2017-06-08 07:02:08 UTC  
2017-06-10 13:45:31 UTC  

What was the last biological change in humans?

2017-06-10 15:07:04 UTC  

Do you guys know of any good studies done on blacks and whites (or any race for that matter) that can show inherrent social differences? For example, offer children a nickel today or a dime tomorrow if they wait.

2017-06-10 15:07:52 UTC  

@vaultright Is the goy you need to ask 😄

2017-06-10 15:07:57 UTC  

He knows all that shit

2017-06-10 15:08:37 UTC  

Right on, I'll see if I can reach him on Twitter.

2017-06-10 15:09:05 UTC  

Just wait, He'll be here later tonight

2017-06-10 15:09:13 UTC  

I mean unless its really important

2017-06-10 15:09:20 UTC  

Trying to put together a video focused more on inherrent differences that are almost 100% genetic rather than environmental.

2017-06-10 15:09:28 UTC  

Nah not a rush.

2017-06-10 15:09:38 UTC  

I usually take several days to complete a video.

2017-06-10 15:09:45 UTC  


2017-06-10 15:10:30 UTC  

Indeed, white power.

2017-06-10 15:12:01 UTC  

Well I think I jus tliked my own message like a narcissistic asshole.

2017-06-10 21:15:08 UTC  

@TNB the marshmallow study is good but I don't know if they break it down by race

2017-06-10 21:15:23 UTC  

The best studies are IQ and brain structure stuff

2017-06-13 02:36:22 UTC  

@vaultright Thanks I will check it out.

2017-06-15 06:22:15 UTC

2017-06-15 06:22:15 UTC

2017-06-18 05:13:39 UTC  

Summary of Human Differences
We are often told that all men are created equal, but this is the biggest lie in world history. Not one person was ever born equal to another; some people have worse hearing and some people have better, some people are blind and some people have better than perfect vision. It is obvious when this is examined that this notion is simply lunacy. The crux of inequality applies not only in regards to the differences in the sexes (as centrists like Sargon of Akkad like to point out), but to even beyond that in the human races. These racial differences can even be broken down further into ethnic group differences, but the broadest category that covers the most differences is race. “What actually is race?” you may ask. Well race is simply put, the taxonomically defined different genetic ancestral groups. Races can be identified by genetic testing, bone structure, skull shape, skull size, and a variety of different biological aspects. Races score differently on intelligence tests, and these intelligence tests are 50-80% genetically determined. (As evidenced by twins reared apart studies, transracial adoption studies, and genes being identified in association with intelligence) This is due to the evolutionary differences in how groups evolved. Some groups (Europeans and East Asians) evolved in the far north where cold winters and agriculture accelerated the development of civilization. It put a higher bar for traits like intelligence and deferral of gratification. This is evidenced by the work of Philippe Rushton, Richard Lynn, Charles Murray, Steven Pinker, and the many other accredited social scientists who have studied this topic. This is a large part of the explanation for why there is such large socioeconomic inequality in the world.

2017-06-18 05:14:59 UTC  

2017-06-18 07:51:07 UTC  

This is so true

2017-06-18 12:01:51 UTC