Message from @A Haunted Army

Discord ID: 506724352750780418

2018-10-30 06:58:12 UTC  

Well kind of both.

2018-10-30 06:58:28 UTC  

Regular immigration can be fine if it's like, someone from Germany to the US

2018-10-30 06:58:32 UTC  

1st world to 1st world

2018-10-30 06:58:33 UTC  

i'm in the EU, so both for me.

2018-10-30 06:58:41 UTC  

legal low skilled migration is bad as well

2018-10-30 06:59:13 UTC  

Then it is impossible to solve

2018-10-30 06:59:16 UTC  

I know

2018-10-30 06:59:39 UTC  

pretty much, we should just pick and chose people who will be a benefit to our country.

2018-10-30 06:59:43 UTC  

The issue in this debate is what is a problem

2018-10-30 06:59:45 UTC  

Well, not impossible, but either difficult, or morally abhorrent

2018-10-30 07:00:08 UTC  

The problem is that you came at this trying to cure immigration, which we have shown to be not the right approach

2018-10-30 07:00:11 UTC  

I think that legal immigration is okay and it doesnt matter where they come from

2018-10-30 07:00:25 UTC  

Everyone should have a chance at the American dream

2018-10-30 07:00:26 UTC  

i think origin is important.

2018-10-30 07:00:43 UTC  

A legal immigrant from Venezuela that's a doctor is actually bad for Venezuela.

2018-10-30 07:00:53 UTC  

But that doesnt mean everyone gets in

2018-10-30 07:00:54 UTC  

incompatible cutlures, and counteries with crap or fradulent education systems are a problem as well

2018-10-30 07:00:55 UTC  

Students that come here and stay here hurt their country of origin

2018-10-30 07:01:25 UTC  

oh right, brain drain is a problem too.

2018-10-30 07:01:34 UTC  

If the rich can come here for school ,get a good education and skill set, and are then encouraged to go back to their home countries to make them better, the world as a whole would get better

2018-10-30 07:01:40 UTC  

a lot of developing counteries suffer from it because we suck up all their talent

2018-10-30 07:01:44 UTC  

That would actively push towards "curing" immigration

2018-10-30 07:02:47 UTC  

Not going to happen.

2018-10-30 07:02:52 UTC  

We like their money too much.

2018-10-30 07:02:53 UTC  

that would be good, but i don't think people or counteries would be happy about that

2018-10-30 07:02:55 UTC  

if it was forced

2018-10-30 07:02:59 UTC  

I don't have an issue with immigration if both countries are well off, and the host country can fit the person in without undue strain to the current populace.

2018-10-30 07:03:07 UTC  

But most countries are failing in today's economy due to either communism or corruption

2018-10-30 07:03:12 UTC  

Yeah you can't force that

2018-10-30 07:03:25 UTC  

I know that's why the "solution" I proposed is only an ideal

2018-10-30 07:03:34 UTC  

There'd have to be a lot of work done to make that tenable

2018-10-30 07:03:42 UTC  

personally i think the better option would be to use standard legal imigration systems atm, which are pretty strict. and have a visa-free option for high skilled workers amongst 1st world counteries.

2018-10-30 07:04:02 UTC  

Until then we can only deflect illegals, curb legal immigration from shitholes, and try to exert positive pressure across the globe

2018-10-30 07:04:42 UTC  

But deflecting as is, wont do anything.

2018-10-30 07:04:46 UTC  

Yeah high skilled workers transferring from 1st world to 1st world is totally harmless

2018-10-30 07:04:48 UTC  

Why not

2018-10-30 07:04:56 UTC  

Deflecting is the name of the game as we just said

2018-10-30 07:05:13 UTC  

Curing is near impossible

2018-10-30 07:05:21 UTC  

codes, the problem is trying to fix a problem that can't be fixed.

2018-10-30 07:05:22 UTC  

We will just end up spending far to much deflecting immigrants when we could curb is all together by building the wall

2018-10-30 07:05:28 UTC  

it's in our nature to explore at the very least