Message from @Seven Proxies

Discord ID: 688384398076149881

2020-03-14 13:50:05 UTC  

Socialism is possible everywhere. Lots of people would die, but it's doable. It would be miserable and regretted by all, but it's doable

2020-03-14 13:50:07 UTC  

good luck relying on africa for innovation

2020-03-14 13:50:13 UTC  

@Uksio Europe never did anything important while united, so no

2020-03-14 13:50:17 UTC

2020-03-14 13:50:27 UTC

2020-03-14 13:50:33 UTC  

Europe is a failure so much potential squandered on intersectionality

2020-03-14 13:50:39 UTC  

And letting Muslims in

2020-03-14 13:50:44 UTC  

MA’s right on this one. When discussing the liquid definition of social democrat, democratic socialism, and nation socialism - you need to state *which fucking country* you’re referring to as their ideology is about as solid as quicksand.

2020-03-14 13:50:50 UTC  

IDGAF what they did, they are doing stupid shit

2020-03-14 13:51:03 UTC  


2020-03-14 13:51:45 UTC  

@Mersenne Yeah I agree that progressive ideologues do that.

What i'm saying is that the parties we're talking about weren't always "progressives".

2020-03-14 13:51:55 UTC  

Progressivism is a new trend in western political discourse.

2020-03-14 13:52:21 UTC  

To avoid prescribing to tribalism, suffice it to say that *any* progressive ideology that discards scientific truths in favor of Political Correctness and Identity Politics is the cancer of the 21st Century.

2020-03-14 13:52:33 UTC  

@Mersenne For example, nowadays the swedish social democrats cucked completely about immigrants, being all "open borders" and "pro-immigration" and "anti-racist".

2020-03-14 13:52:39 UTC  

Just like most parties on the left

2020-03-14 13:52:56 UTC  

The worst part about progressivism is both in their name and attitude and they simply *assume* that their beliefs are automatically in the name of progress

2020-03-14 13:52:59 UTC  

"progressive ideology" seems redundant to me

2020-03-14 13:53:07 UTC  

Which is why they are often arrogant, snobbish asshats

2020-03-14 13:53:31 UTC  

However, back in the day, The Swedish Social Democrats were some of the most staunchest pro-borders and anti-immigration parties in Swedish politics, because the Labour unions were concerned that the capitalists would use things like freedom of movement and cheap foreign labour as a weapon to depress wages and undermine the influence of the labour unions.

2020-03-14 13:53:34 UTC  

@Seven Proxies - Not that it makes much difference, as radical progressive parties are being rejected en mass across the globe.

2020-03-14 13:53:50 UTC  

So pre-progressive Social Democrats and Post-progressive Social Democrats were two very different parties

2020-03-14 13:53:56 UTC  

are they though?

2020-03-14 13:53:57 UTC  

Labour unions need a rework

2020-03-14 13:54:00 UTC  

The crippling defeat of Corbyn being the most prolific of recent memory.

2020-03-14 13:54:13 UTC  

@Mersenne Yes it's true, and the Social Democrats are seeing a sharp decline in public support.

2020-03-14 13:54:22 UTC  

the far left has lost it's momentum

2020-03-14 13:54:23 UTC  

with the coming economic fallout, i think you will find those progressive ideology stronger than ever

2020-03-14 13:54:35 UTC  

The pendulum is swinging sharply to the right

2020-03-14 13:54:45 UTC  

Nationalism and the right rising worldwide

2020-03-14 13:54:56 UTC  

Trump might as well handed the progressives his head on a silver platter

2020-03-14 13:55:09 UTC  

They've been haemorraging voters for years now, with the conservative, anti-immigration Sweden Democrats swooping up most of their voters.

In fact, most members of the labour unions are voting for the Sweden Democrats rather than Social Democrats nowadays.

2020-03-14 13:55:13 UTC  

His initial dismissive response is what was bad

2020-03-14 13:55:15 UTC  

@ManAnimal - I’m actually inclined to disagree. In a global pandemic, people default to conservative values rather than leaping to radical change.

2020-03-14 13:55:28 UTC  

pandamic only, yes

2020-03-14 13:55:37 UTC  

Yes, but people care about faces more than ideology atm

2020-03-14 13:55:39 UTC  

but the pandemic isn't out primary issue

2020-03-14 13:55:49 UTC  

@Blaster Master True.

I'm just thinking of how to prevent it from swinging to far

2020-03-14 13:55:50 UTC  

it will be the long-lasting economic fallout

2020-03-14 13:55:58 UTC  

plays right into their narrative

2020-03-14 13:56:12 UTC  

and those in the center and libel to fall the other way

2020-03-14 13:56:29 UTC  

@Seven Proxies you can't. It's natural. It goes left, then right. Left, then right. Left and... Right