Message from @King Canuck

Discord ID: 688383549535027411

2020-03-14 13:48:15 UTC  

european authoritarianism is rather soft and limited though, so it does not do much harm, and is kept in check by the industries

2020-03-14 13:48:21 UTC  

Luckily, most Nordic countries still hate socialism overall

2020-03-14 13:48:25 UTC  

which is weird, but whatever works

2020-03-14 13:48:27 UTC  

that's how it starts....

2020-03-14 13:48:43 UTC  

I’m not one to play semantics with radical progressive ideologies. The all effectively strive for similar end goals and process themselves to be the moral arbiters of our time.

2020-03-14 13:48:54 UTC  

Europeans are gay

2020-03-14 13:48:56 UTC  

Europe is a mistake

2020-03-14 13:49:01 UTC  

Murica is for chads

2020-03-14 13:49:06 UTC  

They’re ideological zealots of the neo-Marxist cloth.

2020-03-14 13:49:07 UTC  

I doubt socialism is even possible at the size bigger than a student commune...

2020-03-14 13:49:08 UTC  

Not reqlly

2020-03-14 13:49:15 UTC  

Yes, but you need to first DEFINE the terms THEN match people WITH those terms

2020-03-14 13:49:37 UTC  

@NinjaQuick nigga without europe no civilisations would be where they are

2020-03-14 13:49:38 UTC  

@Mersenne careful not to descend into tribalism

2020-03-14 13:49:44 UTC  

that is DIFFERENT than having the idiots that call themselves by incorrect terms dictating your definitions

2020-03-14 13:49:59 UTC  

So sad to see our boomer MA go due to corona

2020-03-14 13:50:05 UTC  

Socialism is possible everywhere. Lots of people would die, but it's doable. It would be miserable and regretted by all, but it's doable

2020-03-14 13:50:07 UTC  

good luck relying on africa for innovation

2020-03-14 13:50:13 UTC  

@Uksio Europe never did anything important while united, so no

2020-03-14 13:50:17 UTC

2020-03-14 13:50:27 UTC

2020-03-14 13:50:33 UTC  

Europe is a failure so much potential squandered on intersectionality

2020-03-14 13:50:39 UTC  

And letting Muslims in

2020-03-14 13:50:44 UTC  

MA’s right on this one. When discussing the liquid definition of social democrat, democratic socialism, and nation socialism - you need to state *which fucking country* you’re referring to as their ideology is about as solid as quicksand.

2020-03-14 13:50:50 UTC  

IDGAF what they did, they are doing stupid shit

2020-03-14 13:51:03 UTC  


2020-03-14 13:51:45 UTC  

@Mersenne Yeah I agree that progressive ideologues do that.

What i'm saying is that the parties we're talking about weren't always "progressives".

2020-03-14 13:51:55 UTC  

Progressivism is a new trend in western political discourse.

2020-03-14 13:52:21 UTC  

To avoid prescribing to tribalism, suffice it to say that *any* progressive ideology that discards scientific truths in favor of Political Correctness and Identity Politics is the cancer of the 21st Century.

2020-03-14 13:52:33 UTC  

@Mersenne For example, nowadays the swedish social democrats cucked completely about immigrants, being all "open borders" and "pro-immigration" and "anti-racist".

2020-03-14 13:52:39 UTC  

Just like most parties on the left

2020-03-14 13:52:56 UTC  

The worst part about progressivism is both in their name and attitude and they simply *assume* that their beliefs are automatically in the name of progress

2020-03-14 13:52:59 UTC  

"progressive ideology" seems redundant to me

2020-03-14 13:53:07 UTC  

Which is why they are often arrogant, snobbish asshats

2020-03-14 13:53:31 UTC  

However, back in the day, The Swedish Social Democrats were some of the most staunchest pro-borders and anti-immigration parties in Swedish politics, because the Labour unions were concerned that the capitalists would use things like freedom of movement and cheap foreign labour as a weapon to depress wages and undermine the influence of the labour unions.

2020-03-14 13:53:34 UTC  

@Seven Proxies - Not that it makes much difference, as radical progressive parties are being rejected en mass across the globe.

2020-03-14 13:53:50 UTC  

So pre-progressive Social Democrats and Post-progressive Social Democrats were two very different parties

2020-03-14 13:53:56 UTC  

are they though?

2020-03-14 13:53:57 UTC  

Labour unions need a rework

2020-03-14 13:54:00 UTC  

The crippling defeat of Corbyn being the most prolific of recent memory.

2020-03-14 13:54:13 UTC  

@Mersenne Yes it's true, and the Social Democrats are seeing a sharp decline in public support.