Message from @Aghost

Discord ID: 511250984773877760

Wait what about russia

2018-11-11 18:45:12 UTC  

Russia is China's buttmonkey

2018-11-11 18:45:17 UTC  


2018-11-11 18:45:19 UTC  

funny jokke

And if we have a civil war it's more likely islam will try to take everyone over

2018-11-11 18:45:44 UTC  

China is powerful, but only because the west is fucking weak as shit right now...

2018-11-11 18:45:54 UTC  


2018-11-11 18:46:44 UTC  

islam would not be a problem if the west got its shit together :')

Yeah, True

2018-11-11 18:47:11 UTC  

Both left and right seem to agree that all the mass shooters are mentally ill. Yet there's no agreement to consider mental health care a public safety imperative. I'm flummoxed.

2018-11-11 18:47:13 UTC  

They judt can't quit can they

But Trump said they could send people just not jim

I don't see why they care so much

2018-11-11 18:47:49 UTC  

Because it's cnn

2018-11-11 18:48:02 UTC  

And they crave power

2018-11-11 18:48:16 UTC  

Just like those in Florida

2018-11-11 18:48:22 UTC  

I'm not worried about Islam. China, Russia, India, Europe, North America...that's where the industry and military prowess exists

2018-11-11 18:48:22 UTC  

i dont really care about mass shooters.
terrorists are gonna terrorism

2018-11-11 18:48:46 UTC  

and i live in europe

2018-11-11 18:48:53 UTC  

we dont even have weapons to defend ourselves

2018-11-11 18:49:00 UTC  

still im not scared

Please tell me that I'm not the only one who thinks them complaining over jims exile is petty as all heck

2018-11-11 18:50:01 UTC  

it's pretty petty; they're just doing it because the guy is a giant dick shit stirrer

2018-11-11 18:50:05 UTC  

It's all petty

2018-11-11 18:50:50 UTC  

"they" know nothing else

2018-11-11 18:52:56 UTC  

aslong as those counteries aren't using their military prowess to oppress, i'm more concerned about islam creating its own society within our counteries.

That's how the takeovers go

2018-11-11 18:53:37 UTC  

when those fith colums grow large enough, they'll try and force the country to conform to them.

2018-11-11 18:53:40 UTC  

yeah pretty much.

2018-11-11 18:54:39 UTC  

No need for them to grow large enough. there just needs to be one and the far left bends over backwards to enact laws that will lead to homosexuals thrown off roof-tops

2018-11-11 18:54:53 UTC  

thats pretty much how it is atm

2018-11-11 18:54:56 UTC  

Then says they are pro-lgbt

2018-11-11 18:55:01 UTC  

so tolerant

2018-11-11 18:55:09 UTC  

but if they grow large enough they won't need the far left, they'll just riot untill peopel conform or leave

2018-11-11 18:55:09 UTC

Small migration --> reproduction until majority --> more and more violent acts and laws changed in their favor/taken jobs --> Control

2018-11-11 18:55:11 UTC  

The apple cult

2018-11-11 18:55:14 UTC  

well, i knew a long time ago that islam would do that, if people would let them into their countries

2018-11-11 18:55:19 UTC  


2018-11-11 18:55:21 UTC  

i mean...