Message from @Blonald Blumph

Discord ID: 547314837613576193

2019-02-19 05:59:29 UTC  

@Zer0 Everyone has to start somewhere. I started washing dishes in a restaurant for $1.50 / hr. But after 6 months I was able to get a better job on the basis that I had "experience." Within another year I had an even better job based upon my prior experience. Each job led to a better one. But too many in our society today can't get on the first rung of the ladder in order to climb. I wish the left would pay more attention to them than trying to figure out a way to make rich people less rich.

2019-02-19 05:59:51 UTC  

holy crap you must be old

2019-02-19 06:00:40 UTC  

with my past i couldnt get a job. so a made one.

2019-02-19 06:00:59 UTC  

so i totaly get what your saying.

2019-02-19 06:01:21 UTC  

@Zer0 That is another problem we have. We lock people up and when they get out we exclude them from the workforce and almost guarantee that they seek illegitimate means of making a living. Where is the left on that subject? Instead of crying about Amazon they should be finding ways to encourage businesses to give a brother a second chance.

2019-02-19 06:03:15 UTC  

hey guys it's me :333 xDD please be nice boys <333 ~~~~

2019-02-19 06:03:19 UTC  

yeah. my experience kind makes it hard for me to feel bad for people tho. instead of seeking ilegitimate means i just work my ass of to make something happen. i figure if i did it anyone can. especialy since IQ inst important.

2019-02-19 06:03:33 UTC  


2019-02-19 06:03:34 UTC  

btw my pronouns are MA'AM and french truffle

2019-02-19 06:03:48 UTC  

im an attack helicopter

2019-02-19 06:04:15 UTC  


2019-02-19 06:04:51 UTC  

that looks like tayler swifts hair

2019-02-19 06:05:26 UTC  

ok i qiut. im going to bed.

2019-02-19 06:35:42 UTC

2019-02-19 06:51:33 UTC  

So most of the states that sued trump aren’t even on the southern border and let’s be honest New Mexico is such a shithole that disconnects itself so much I imagine they have like state sponsored ports of entry

2019-02-19 06:51:54 UTC  

And California legislation being from the north doesn’t see problems with southern entry

2019-02-19 06:52:27 UTC  

I personally feel if New Mexico wants to be disconnected we should build a border wall around them too

2019-02-19 06:52:42 UTC  

That way we give back some land to Mexico

2019-02-19 07:13:08 UTC  

@R9b1t hey man, I'm from and live in New Mexico

2019-02-19 07:13:30 UTC  

Our governor is a drug addict and our state is a shithole

2019-02-19 07:13:45 UTC  

She won on the legal weed vote

2019-02-19 07:14:29 UTC  

She knew the majority of the population is homeless, on drugs and welfare, and wouldn't vote for what's good for them, but whatever gets them high

2019-02-19 07:17:04 UTC  

This gif accurately depicts New Mexico and it's governor

2019-02-19 07:18:05 UTC  

Poor place

2019-02-19 07:18:27 UTC  

Also, I support the wall because it would stem the drug flow into this country. But now they're aggressively pushing legal marijuana, so I'm thinking I want the wall, and then I want to be on the other side of it

2019-02-19 07:18:40 UTC  
2019-02-19 07:18:52 UTC  

Not only will it keep the Mexicans out, it'll keep the Americans *in*

2019-02-19 07:19:10 UTC  

Okay awoooot

2019-02-19 07:19:13 UTC  

I'll bite

2019-02-19 07:19:27 UTC  

Who is Vic Mignagnog

2019-02-19 07:19:41 UTC  

Oh wait I remember now

2019-02-19 07:20:05 UTC  

Got fired from RWBY because he got hashtagged with the metoo

2019-02-19 07:23:11 UTC  

Started Anime gate

2019-02-19 07:23:58 UTC  

Its small starting with dubs

2019-02-19 07:35:08 UTC  

Yeah I watched the whole video

2019-02-19 07:35:31 UTC  

It was really good, and I shared it to other social media

2019-02-19 07:35:40 UTC  

So good job sharing it here!

2019-02-19 07:35:55 UTC  

I liked and faved to boost it

2019-02-19 07:45:30 UTC  

whys the song so good

2019-02-19 07:47:14 UTC  

he was the voice of broly in the new dragonball z super. Has the whole controversy where they admitted to faking it all with multiple sources confirmed that they were using photoshop to fake photos, then the voices of bulma and goku came out to attack and threaten fans complaining about this or trying to defend vic in anyway (saying they would get people arrested or drug out of the con by police) as did the people running the con they attended.