Message from @Todd
Discord ID: 512121277797105674
nah im not down for kids, fuckl that
youd think i wouldnt daily creampie ,
youd be wrong
I do
oh yeah i forget
And it fucked it
soup has never worn a condom
i have twice
i am wrong
with the two times i had random one time sex
Dont cream daily if you're not willing to fuck it up
you will
i had 650 saved for that emergency
which btw
the fucking cost
Just have anal
aye thats my trick
just go for anal....
Anal creampie
Sounds like weird mudcake
<@&498259609316884520> Fuck you fucking roots
the squelch
do i play morrowind for the next two hours while high
like pulling a welly out of the mud
Why not?
or do i keep playing rimworld
Rimworld high
Haha rim
but morrowind is sooooooooooo calming
then play morrowind
i think i might in a min or two