Message from @StØic

Discord ID: 518964282709377045

2018-12-03 01:37:07 UTC  

such bullshit

2018-12-03 01:37:11 UTC  

criticism is for everyone

2018-12-03 01:37:18 UTC  

for example in the UK mass child rapists and also grooming gangs, bring back public hanging for ones we have 100% evidence on I mean CCTV/Video evidence and also DNA evidence

2018-12-03 01:37:22 UTC  

you fuck up you're a fuck up

2018-12-03 01:37:29 UTC  

yeah, exactly that dim

2018-12-03 01:37:29 UTC  

publicly hang them and the crime will reduce by about 80-90%

2018-12-03 01:37:31 UTC  

i put money on it

2018-12-03 01:37:49 UTC  

@Aya This has happend many many times back in histroy we always go from far left to far right

2018-12-03 01:37:49 UTC  

the bbc grooming shit was disgusting

2018-12-03 01:37:58 UTC  

I put money on it within 5-10 years, the European Union will start to fall

2018-12-03 01:37:59 UTC  

rotherham too

2018-12-03 01:38:09 UTC  

join the Visegrad my brothers

2018-12-03 01:38:09 UTC  

In sweden the Swedish democrats are the biggest political party

2018-12-03 01:38:14 UTC  

they want to leave the EU

2018-12-03 01:38:23 UTC  


2018-12-03 01:38:25 UTC  

Italy will leave the EU poland Hungary

2018-12-03 01:38:31 UTC  

a country with a low population

2018-12-03 01:38:37 UTC  

a country with a very educated population

2018-12-03 01:38:43 UTC  

a country with a wealthy population

2018-12-03 01:38:45 UTC  

My money is on Le Pen will win the next french election and then Le Pen will vote to leave the European Union

2018-12-03 01:38:46 UTC  

what do they get from the EU?

2018-12-03 01:38:55 UTC  

will all the countries leaving mean the EU wants more money from the UK

2018-12-03 01:38:59 UTC  

or less

2018-12-03 01:39:03 UTC  

silly question

2018-12-03 01:39:05 UTC  

always more

2018-12-03 01:39:15 UTC  

I put money on it UKIP will gain a lot of seats in the next election

2018-12-03 01:39:16 UTC  

and i mean a lot

2018-12-03 01:39:26 UTC  

I know several both Labour and also torie voters who are now voting UKIP

2018-12-03 01:39:27 UTC  

they were 2nd in line in a lot of places the first time

2018-12-03 01:39:30 UTC  

hmmm, more riots in france. seems like it's related to the yellow vest stuff the other week

2018-12-03 01:39:32 UTC  

when is the next election?

2018-12-03 01:39:33 UTC  

macron is fucked LUL

2018-12-03 01:39:36 UTC  

first past the post kills the UKIP

2018-12-03 01:39:38 UTC  

because none of the political parties in the UK support free speech

2018-12-03 01:39:50 UTC  

nah FPTP would fuck em like what happened in 2015 @Dimorac

2018-12-03 01:40:05 UTC  

@Dimorac why’s it every time I join we talkin about race? 🤔

2018-12-03 01:40:11 UTC  

@Jim Old Macaroons boy is fucked, even the police was joining the riot

2018-12-03 01:40:13 UTC

2018-12-03 01:40:13 UTC  

we're not?

2018-12-03 01:40:20 UTC  

@Callie We're not talking about race, Islam isn't a race you window licker

2018-12-03 01:40:22 UTC  

Islam is a religion