Message from @SpiderLedgic (Cancer)

Discord ID: 655157417851617334

2019-12-13 21:17:15 UTC  

I'll entertain your explanation

2019-12-13 21:17:24 UTC  

@floridaswamptrash The Apollo Space craft requires infrastructure to launch, IBM computers from that era, and all the right materials in the right order will billions of dollars to build this infrastructure let alone the rocket itself. NASA right now is basically the lead of the ISS When it comes to sustaining that platform, we also have a ton of infrastructure and mission probes which also cost millios of dollars. In 1970-1980 we replaced the Apollo Hardware with the updated space shuttle hardware, the space shuttle was mean't to go to LEO only so not the moon. Going back to apollo would not be worth it because we can do everything cheaper with new materials now? Why are we not doing this you ask? We are, but slowly, NASA is preparing for the first launch of the SLS within a year or two I think so. We are going back. However we don't have the 50 billion dollars (adj) we had in 1969. We have about 19 Billion today. So we are doing more than we did in those eras internationally and in deep space and still trying to go to the moon with less money. We did not "destroy" that technology we removed the ability to use it because we replaced it. In the same way you replace your phone, you don't destroy your phone you replace it. That does not mean that your phone has backward compatailty. It does not mean that you should get an older phone when you can just wait and get a better phone.

2019-12-13 21:17:35 UTC  

It is reality that it never happened and you ignore the fact that they have said they never went so you can keep fantasizing and hypothesizing all the while maintaining your delusions. Keep the name calling out of it and attack the info not me because you don't want me to put my sassy pants on.

2019-12-13 21:17:38 UTC  

That’s not it

2019-12-13 21:18:05 UTC  

Or maybe that’s part of it too, but mostly

2019-12-13 21:18:24 UTC  

if it was faked to win the space race, why would the ussr allow the US to do such a thing

2019-12-13 21:18:24 UTC  

Public interest dropped so low that the government responded by also moving onto to other things

2019-12-13 21:18:42 UTC  

Space race is a joke

2019-12-13 21:19:05 UTC  

21:18] l.caudri: if it was faked to win the space race---false premise

2019-12-13 21:19:17 UTC  

It may have started out as a weird competition but it ultimately expanded our knowledge of the Earth and Moon considerably

2019-12-13 21:19:43 UTC  

@Chief Rocket Designer So what is that explaining exactly? All I see is that they started to replace the parts so they wouldn't be able to use it without getting more money

2019-12-13 21:19:55 UTC  

This has to do with the missing video tapes not telementary data

2019-12-13 21:19:57 UTC  

Essentially it was destroyed

2019-12-13 21:20:27 UTC  

The technology is also obsolete too but only because so much time has passed since it’s been improve upon

2019-12-13 21:20:32 UTC  

@floridaswamptrash basically but that is how technical innovation works

2019-12-13 21:20:36 UTC  

Like nuclear fission reactors

2019-12-13 21:21:04 UTC  

THEY never had the capability that is why they never went so they faked it

2019-12-13 21:21:09 UTC  

It's kind of bad logic to be like "You know what we're going to do? Even though our budget keeps getting cut we're going to start replacing the technology we have that can take us to the moon even if we don't have the money for it." 🤡

2019-12-13 21:21:22 UTC  

I can't believe people would take this and accept it

2019-12-13 21:21:40 UTC  

They spent that money on the construction of the ISS

2019-12-13 21:21:47 UTC  


2019-12-13 21:21:49 UTC  

Which I think is a better call

2019-12-13 21:21:58 UTC  

Nasa progressing backwards since the 1970s

2019-12-13 21:22:09 UTC  

What a lie to believe in

2019-12-13 21:22:11 UTC  

so then you must concede they never went

2019-12-13 21:22:13 UTC  

No it hasn’t been lol

2019-12-13 21:22:23 UTC  

It has just had significantly less funding

2019-12-13 21:22:34 UTC  

@SpiderLedgic (Cancer) If they wanted to use the tech they could have regardless

2019-12-13 21:22:35 UTC  

@floridaswamptrash going to the moon was not that scientifically useful at that time compared to the cost. LEO research was more efficencnt and probes were getting better

2019-12-13 21:22:43 UTC  

Not if it couldn’t get approved

2019-12-13 21:23:12 UTC  

The whole idea now is that because people believe we went to the moon then is the reason they didn't want to go back

2019-12-13 21:23:21 UTC  

You'd have to prove the moon landing in the first place

2019-12-13 21:23:29 UTC  

It already has been proven

2019-12-13 21:23:37 UTC  

it would have been harder to fake the moon landing to actually get to the moon

2019-12-13 21:23:40 UTC  

Just making excuses when there are actual facts of what happened to this day and you just ignore it for what? To hold on to your ball earth. Shitz redic.

2019-12-13 21:23:43 UTC  


2019-12-13 21:23:49 UTC  

@l.caudri Prove it

2019-12-13 21:23:56 UTC  

That’s why it’s exposed, they couldn’t fake it well enough

2019-12-13 21:24:15 UTC  

[21:23] l.caudri: it would have been harder to fake the moon landing to actually get to the moon--lololol ffs that is so ridiculous

2019-12-13 21:24:42 UTC  

Modern day orbiters, like the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, has taken pictures of the Apollo 11 landing site and it is still relatively undisturbed