Message from @ProgrammerVerbatim
Discord ID: 658430361830948905
@Matuzu an answer to what?
flat earth is the only way we can explain this
How do eclipses work @Flat Earth PhD
this is a debate
the sun moves slightly faster than the moon
so sometimes it catches up
there dumb glober
the earth is at the centre of the univers
no insulte or you go
also god controls everything
dont give bs answers either
what do you mean
i believe in him
asking for explanations is not debating
<:XMARK6:403540169992568833> **ProgrammerVerbatim**, this command is disabled in this channel
!mute @ProgrammerVerbatim
fake flat earther
I've seen a lot of those lately
some people have too much free time methinks
a good depression will cure that
!unmute @ProgrammerVerbatim
ok cheers
@ProgrammerVerbatim be sensible
i will try to be
just passionate about my views
go to lounge for other chat
It technically started within the timeframe you mentioned
@Jondar02 I looked into it, the original website says nothing about vaccine uptake. It was literally fabricated by someone and put there. Here's the website: