Message from @Maksim

Discord ID: 688520852261830720

2020-03-14 22:48:47 UTC  

yes ofc, god will forgive all your sins but forgiveness isnt the goal

2020-03-14 22:48:57 UTC  

for•give•ness fər-gĭv′nĭs, fôr-►

The act of forgiving; pardon.



transitive verb
To release (a person) from punishment or disfavor for wrongdoing or a fault: synonym: forgive.

2020-03-14 22:49:01 UTC  

forgiveness is the baseline that we all receive

2020-03-14 22:49:07 UTC  

God is not I, god is we

2020-03-14 22:49:13 UTC  


2020-03-14 22:49:22 UTC  
2020-03-14 22:49:29 UTC  

not in this case

2020-03-14 22:49:51 UTC  

What makes this case special?

2020-03-14 22:49:55 UTC  

forgiveness in the biblical sense reffers to forgiving the soul for sinning, but not to excuse the sin

2020-03-14 22:50:09 UTC  

Again, it isnt excusing the sin

2020-03-14 22:50:14 UTC  

its different because we missuse the word forgive

2020-03-14 22:50:18 UTC  

The sin is still bad, it dosent become "okay"

2020-03-14 22:50:41 UTC  

Yes. The soul isnt all the sudden good because he was forgiven

2020-03-14 22:50:49 UTC  

which is why he spends time in purgatory

2020-03-14 22:51:06 UTC  

purgatory more like purifier

2020-03-14 22:51:19 UTC  

I only see purgatory mentioned in macabees, which is in Apochrophya, am i mistaken?

2020-03-14 22:51:39 UTC  

To sin is to become less holy: so by extension you're separateness from others is what makes you holy.

2020-03-14 22:52:07 UTC  

the bible mentions it aswell

2020-03-14 22:52:20 UTC  

Point me towards it

2020-03-14 22:55:39 UTC  

I have many examples i wanna find one that makes it clear cause i dont have much time on my hands rn

2020-03-14 22:56:03 UTC  

Can continue later if you like @OrthoGoat

2020-03-14 22:56:09 UTC  

ill see

2020-03-14 22:58:26 UTC  

```Revelation 20:13-14
''13 The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. 14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.''```

2020-03-14 22:58:31 UTC  

this does a good job

2020-03-14 22:58:32 UTC  


2020-03-14 23:00:47 UTC  

The sea = the void. The void spit forth the souls that were stored in it and the place where the dead were stored spit forth their memory. Each person was judged in accordance with how they lived their life.

2020-03-14 23:01:25 UTC  

Then stars become stardust and a new soul is born of them

2020-03-14 23:02:06 UTC  

Death comes to us all, and some of us get reduced down.

2020-03-14 23:06:05 UTC  

Death is part of creation

2020-03-15 00:02:03 UTC  

trying to use the etymology of pagan to claim that anti-paganism is anti-nationalism is ignorant at best and purposefully dishonest at worst.

2020-03-15 00:03:49 UTC  

Lest we forget that Franco, Salazar, Dollfuss, Mussolini, and the Ustase were all directly supported by the Catholic Church.

2020-03-15 00:04:17 UTC  

Or that most of the early DAP/NSDAP members were Bavarian Catholics.

2020-03-15 00:05:20 UTC  

So if you're a natsoc/fashoid and still believe the Church is somehow anti-nationalist, you may want to rethink your understanding of the relationship between the two.

2020-03-15 00:05:30 UTC  

we know abrahamic religion is evil

2020-03-15 00:05:32 UTC  

it's a fact

2020-03-15 00:05:36 UTC  

no need to continue saying it

2020-03-15 00:05:48 UTC  

which one?

2020-03-15 00:05:50 UTC  


2020-03-15 00:05:52 UTC  

id agree

2020-03-15 00:05:58 UTC  

pagans literally think its okay to kill babies and rape children