Message from @Sentient23

Discord ID: 690099430040666116

2020-03-19 06:54:35 UTC  

Interesting, and what would one do to avoid continuing that buildup? Any fix all trick or is this an unavoidable burden of consumption

2020-03-19 06:54:49 UTC  

its avoidable

2020-03-19 06:54:59 UTC  


2020-03-19 06:55:40 UTC  

like most things- you have some bacteria that can help you, they may inhibit the bad effects for a while, but that doesnt stop the spread of disease

2020-03-19 06:55:49 UTC  

like just because you have some bacteria that lets you tolerate milk

2020-03-19 06:56:20 UTC  

doesnt mean it isnt still affecting your endocrine system, and helping raisie serum cholesterol, affecting heart disease

2020-03-19 06:56:48 UTC  

kinda like if you had a drug that would let you cure from hang overs from alcohol, but youd still be destroying your liver

2020-03-19 06:57:22 UTC  

and as a matter of fact, they are developing enzymes to help your body break down tthose carbohydrates.
its not a great idea

2020-03-19 06:57:35 UTC  

so the best way to get around all that

2020-03-19 06:57:40 UTC  

is to eat plants, and ferment them

2020-03-19 06:57:46 UTC  

fermented tomato soup

2020-03-19 06:57:50 UTC  

fermented potato soup

2020-03-19 06:58:09 UTC  

fermented veg, fermented grain porridge, fermented fruits, and nut butters..

2020-03-19 06:58:22 UTC  

the key to getting old is high nutrient content with low calories

2020-03-19 06:58:28 UTC  

thats literally the set up of fermented foods

2020-03-19 06:59:21 UTC  

i just wonder how much of peoples beliefs are influenced by their diets

2020-03-19 06:59:58 UTC  

if your diet makes your brain respond different... you may be goaded into some ideological corner without even realizing it...

2020-03-19 07:00:45 UTC  

or when everyone is saying yes, you may find a tendency to say "no", that may have more of a neurological basis behind it than an ideological one

2020-03-19 07:02:11 UTC  

are there any vegans on this server?

2020-03-19 07:28:44 UTC  

too long

2020-03-19 07:28:45 UTC  

didnt read

2020-03-19 07:33:01 UTC

2020-03-19 07:36:04 UTC  

What would one have to do to get image posting perms?

2020-03-19 07:45:00 UTC  

@Venom-Big-Boss Rank of Peasant and above

2020-03-19 07:45:06 UTC  

Peasant is unlocked at level 3

2020-03-19 07:45:19 UTC  

You can see your level at <#587029679807135755> type -rank

2020-03-19 07:55:59 UTC  

Lol i cant even post pics

2020-03-19 09:41:47 UTC  

@Patriot You aren't level 3

2020-03-19 09:41:50 UTC  


2020-03-19 09:44:53 UTC  


2020-03-19 09:50:50 UTC

2020-03-19 09:51:02 UTC  

Obey me and good things happen

2020-03-19 09:51:27 UTC  

Roles in <#587023017553559553>

2020-03-19 09:51:46 UTC  

Also it's 3an

2020-03-19 09:54:17 UTC  

@Maksim is it possible to transport roles from this acc onto a diff one?

2020-03-19 09:54:25 UTC  

since im planning to delete this one

2020-03-19 09:58:18 UTC  

@Sentient23 If you DM me with proof on your new acc that it's you sure

2020-03-19 10:04:37 UTC  

@Maksim Alright then

2020-03-19 10:51:47 UTC  


2020-03-19 12:36:33 UTC  

N¡gger lol

2020-03-19 12:38:56 UTC  
