Message from @sweatercowsandsass
Discord ID: 534959417578356747
idk about that desperate
Desperate times call for desperate pumpins
morning lads
@Tea honestly man shes rotten 😂
You dinnae understand like.
Been in some middens
One of these lassies that uses bronzer as full face powder
she can succ tho
Orange as fuck
Did you end up with a dick looking like a cheeto from all her makeup?
A man's got empty the tank
No jokes
nah i'm a lucky one
i bet he dont even pull out
nigga go in guns blazing and comeout fine
why would i had a jonny
ribbed for your safety
lev 3 nigga
*writes* 04:57 am...still not tired
fuck up cunt
who was talking to you
just stop you have ben typing for to long you have nothing
*writes* 05:00 am scornful idiot continues to make uninteresting remarks
Geez a beer
listening to someone speak german
Was he a dictator
Moot’s still a fag
Oh hello cow