Message from @Deejay from Earth

Discord ID: 477113412032266251

2018-08-09 13:47:13 UTC  

In general, a scientific law is the description of an observed phenomenon. It doesn't explain why the phenomenon exists or what causes it. The explanation of a phenomenon is called a scientific theory. It is a misconception that theories turn into laws with enough research

2018-08-09 13:47:45 UTC  

gravity does not rely on magnetism...

2018-08-09 13:47:50 UTC  

just btw

2018-08-09 13:47:55 UTC  

What is it called when a scientific theory is taught as a scientifically proven fact?

2018-08-09 13:48:13 UTC  


2018-08-09 13:49:29 UTC  

i want to get to the magnetic gravity story...

2018-08-09 13:49:47 UTC  

What is the difference between a theory and imagination?

2018-08-09 13:51:12 UTC  

A scientific theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can be repeatedly tested, in accordance with the scientific method, using a predefined protocol of observation and experiment.[1][2] Established scientific theories have withstood rigorous scrutiny and embody scientific knowledge

2018-08-09 13:51:36 UTC  

So when are you going to test it?

2018-08-09 13:52:24 UTC  

Its been tested, I have given you three videos with the same results (repeated).

2018-08-09 13:52:54 UTC  

anyhow I wan to come back to the FE understanding that gravity is magnetic

2018-08-09 13:53:02 UTC  

Where was the results of your videos published?

2018-08-09 13:53:16 UTC  

For peer-review?

2018-08-09 13:55:08 UTC  

you can go do the research about whom verified it or go to any high school in the world where they will show you experiments that do the same

2018-08-09 13:55:25 UTC  

lets get back to your magnetic gravity story... please

2018-08-09 13:55:34 UTC  

What experiment can I do at home to verify the results for myself?

2018-08-09 13:56:10 UTC  

You see, I keep posting proofs and you keep ignoring them at your own convenience.

2018-08-09 13:56:26 UTC  

Four conclusive experiments performed by the top scientists of their day proved that the Sun, Moon and stars revolve around us, and that Earth is the fixed, motionless centre of the universe.

The Michelson-Morley, Michelson-Gale, Airy's Failure and Sagnac experiments scientifically proved Geocentrism and nearly crushed the dying Heliocentric theory until Mr. Einstein came through with his Special Relativity mathematical denial of the proven Aether and philosophically (not scientifically) banished the Aether from study ever since.

These studies and peer reviewed experiments are never covered in any university courses. These conclusive peer-reviewed and repeated scientific results are nowhere debated or denied, merely suppressed and ignored. The fact of the matter is that Geocentrism has been conclusively proven for over a century.

In 1913 Sagnac conducted an experiment to test the speed and constancy of light and proved the existence of the Aether (Disproves relativity) Therefore, The Michelson-Morley experiment, conducted using an interferometer clearly demonstrated that the Earth was motionless. The Michelson-Gale experiment detected the Aether/Firmament passing over the surface of the motionless Earth. Airy's Failure, demonstrated that it is the stars moving relative to a stationary Earth, and not the fast orbiting Earth moving relative to comparatively stationary stars.

2018-08-09 13:58:19 UTC  

I ignore them like you ignore your misunderstanding of gravity

2018-08-09 13:58:21 UTC  

See I give you peer-review and you post youtube videos about density.

2018-08-09 13:58:57 UTC  

share the link then

2018-08-09 13:59:15 UTC  

not some extract from a theorist blog

2018-08-09 14:01:45 UTC  

They assume that the experiments have been correctly interpreted, and never go and look them up for themselves. The experiments say nothing about a flat Earth, and the original experimenters would be shocked to think that their work was being used in that way.

2018-08-09 14:02:12 UTC  

share the actual experiments and conclusions for us both to read

2018-08-09 14:02:35 UTC  

You have to go and verify if my peer reviewed articles are real. Your job now to go and look them up.

2018-08-09 14:03:04 UTC  

okay your job is to find out what gravity is then, we will come back later and chat

2018-08-09 14:03:36 UTC  

@MR VLAK Your words debunk or prove nothing.

2018-08-09 14:04:10 UTC  

hint: gravity is not magnetism.

2018-08-09 14:04:51 UTC  

Good. What is it then?

2018-08-09 14:05:04 UTC  

we both have jobs to do, lets go do them

2018-08-09 14:15:48 UTC  

Meet each other half way

2018-08-09 14:22:03 UTC  

This is what the scientific method is for. Not the best method but it will work if we can decide on which experiments will prove what.

2018-08-09 14:25:01 UTC  

Here's a curvature test that shouldn't be too hard to do - especially with the P900.

2018-08-09 14:25:12 UTC  

62) Samuel Rowbotham’s experiments at the Old Bedford Level proved conclusively the canal’s water to be completely flat over a 6 mile stretch. First he stood in the canal with his telescope held 8 inches above the surface of the water, then his friend in a boat with a 5 foot tall flag sailed the 6 miles away. If Earth were a ball 25,000 miles in circumference the 6 mile stretch of water should have comprised an arc exactly 6 feet high in the middle, so the entire boat and flag should have ultimately disappeared, when in fact the entire boat and flag remained visible at the same height for the entire journey.

2018-08-09 14:26:29 UTC  

True. @Deejay from Earth you got anything for me against Einsteins Theories that proves luminiferous aether exists? I am still reading, but missing this

2018-08-09 14:28:01 UTC  

@MR VLAK Einsteins's biggest problem his his lack of proof for any of his theories. He only patented some new kind of refrigeration unit afaik.

2018-08-09 14:29:05 UTC  

Yeah okay but those other experiments you referenced doesn't prove luminiferous aether exists either

2018-08-09 14:29:42 UTC  

They are only relevant is luminiferous aether is proven to exist

2018-08-09 14:30:09 UTC  

Einstein had to completely discard the aether to make his models work.