Message from @kaizervonmaanen

Discord ID: 481148010961698848

2018-08-20 16:52:38 UTC  

Nope I've never used those because never did a really serious project, as I told you when I program it's mostly hobby and messing around, I do have a github account tho but I don't really use it

2018-08-20 16:53:53 UTC  

Here's a project I programmed months ago but abandonned since then, it was a prototype for a tile-based game, it was web-based so in JavaScript

2018-08-20 16:55:04 UTC  

I have managed to do infinite procedural generation and multiplayer so it was synchronized with a server

2018-08-20 16:55:17 UTC  

Used perlin noise to generate mountains (not shown on this screenshot tho)

2018-08-20 16:58:16 UTC  

I have been in projects, but never really started one. You made a game, that is great. Have you used git? It has a learning curve, but is fantastic for collaboration projects. has a free course in how to use git where you learn 99.999% of what you will ever use. (which is about 1% of what git can do). I feel we should use Trello and Slack. Trello is free forever and great to create tasks that need to be done and so on.

2018-08-20 16:58:33 UTC  

and here's a screenshot of another project I did but abandonned it was basically like minecraft you know cubes, 3D using OpenGL, this one wasn't web-based it was in C++ i basically wanted to make my own MineAutist game but then after 6 months (of course with not much time because school) i realized it was too big and I should try again latter with more experience in programming because you kno using bare OpenGL, no graphic engine/game engine making everything yourself is huge, take lots of time

2018-08-20 16:58:40 UTC  

No never used git

2018-08-20 16:58:44 UTC  

Just made an account tho

2018-08-20 16:58:46 UTC  

but nothing in it

2018-08-20 16:59:02 UTC  

Alright i'll check it

2018-08-20 17:00:10 UTC  

For this one generating chunks was really complicated, my biggest challenge was optimizing time so that chunks would generate as fast as possible

2018-08-20 17:00:29 UTC  

Git makes the job much easier. You will see how useful it is and if you are ever going to work with programming then I bet it is pretty much required to know at least one version control system. Git is the most popular.

2018-08-20 17:01:19 UTC  

Alright I will try to test it out a bit and mess with it just to learn before seriously using it then

2018-08-20 17:02:18 UTC  

Your games look like good attempts. When we make a shopify variant then we need to make a 'minimum viable product'. So there is a bit of planning before we can start working. The git course is relatively short and you learn pretty much everything you need.

2018-08-20 17:04:09 UTC  

Git is great in case I mess up and delete important code, save and then upload it to the repository or to see why something stopped working between versions and many other things. Will save us months of work between versions.

2018-08-20 17:05:33 UTC  

Mhm alright it's very complete has lots of features, I remember there was a system with "forks" or something where you could make sort of alternative versions and the remerge it with the main version latter on

2018-08-20 17:07:17 UTC  

What should we call the project? Even a project codename that we can call the trello board and repository. Yes, git is super complete (and complex) and the people who made it were very bright people. You will be amazed the more you learn about it.

2018-08-20 17:08:28 UTC  

There are other things like Mercurial which is easier to learn, but is less supported by online repositories.

2018-08-20 17:09:16 UTC  

Hmmm we could choose a name which includes the word "Shop" or "Store" and modify it a bit but without making it too similar to "Shopify"

2018-08-20 17:09:49 UTC  

And I see you know a lot about the subject, since you're a data scientist and all that I guess you previously worked in big projects ? With teams, using github ?

2018-08-20 17:10:25 UTC  

Or maybe like Amazon take something that is not obviously something about shop so that people will look into it to see what it is.

2018-08-20 17:11:15 UTC  

Ah I see, very smart, using their curiosity to attract them

2018-08-20 17:11:47 UTC  


2018-08-20 17:11:54 UTC  

Maybe the name of an animal or something

2018-08-20 17:12:08 UTC  


2018-08-20 17:12:19 UTC  

A Fully made-up random word which would make no sense

2018-08-20 17:12:37 UTC  

I have worked on small projects in teams. Never used github in a team (I have used mercurial in a team) . I have used github professionally alone though. And contributed to machine learning open source projects.

2018-08-20 17:14:13 UTC  

Nice, if I recall I saw interesting projects on youtube which used things like "Neural networks" or something and then it would simulate and simulate until they get something interesting, i'm curious about AI maybe one day I'll research more into it

2018-08-20 17:14:17 UTC  

Maybe we can name it after Devon. Maybe "Arthurs". A scandal in the making.

2018-08-20 17:14:32 UTC  

Hahahahah not sure if that's a good idea

2018-08-20 17:14:36 UTC  

Why not tho

2018-08-20 17:14:43 UTC  

If we keep the fact that's its named after him secret

2018-08-20 17:18:29 UTC  

I'm up for it. But would be hard to Google though. Maybe Devonar... Or just Devon and become THE Devon. Did Devon have a nick here?

2018-08-20 17:20:45 UTC  

I think his username was Wolfdevon

2018-08-20 17:25:43 UTC  

Hmm... Maybe just Devons? You know any language except English? Wolf is ulv in norwegian lupus in Latin... Lupdevon? Nah...

2018-08-20 17:26:46 UTC  

Loup in french

2018-08-20 17:31:44 UTC  

On discord he was PatricianSalafist99

2018-08-20 17:32:28 UTC  

Patridevon... Might be on to something.

2018-08-20 17:36:57 UTC  

Patrician... Hmm

2018-08-20 17:38:21 UTC  


2018-08-20 17:39:59 UTC  

High Devon... High Arthurs... Topdevon... What about Topdevon?