Message from @Benis

Discord ID: 527252494347141121

2018-12-25 22:28:01 UTC  

Largely driven by the lack of money supply.

2018-12-25 22:28:10 UTC  

It was a basic "spent more than you actually had"

2018-12-25 22:28:24 UTC  

Yes, which is not a problem of material currency

2018-12-25 22:28:37 UTC  

Fiat currency is literally worthless

2018-12-25 22:28:50 UTC  

You print it to meet demand and in the process, it devalues to nothing

2018-12-25 22:28:52 UTC  

No it isn't because it has the power of the state backing it

2018-12-25 22:29:24 UTC  

Which is why fiat currencies are always tied up in corruption and bullshit

2018-12-25 22:29:45 UTC  

Hyperinflation only happens when you do something retarded or are beholden to foriegn pressure.

2018-12-25 22:29:55 UTC  

Which is, oh let me see, always.

2018-12-25 22:30:20 UTC  

You can't hyperinflate a material currency

2018-12-25 22:30:26 UTC  

Not realistically

2018-12-25 22:30:29 UTC  

No, not always. I mean specifically in cases like Weimar Germany.

2018-12-25 22:30:48 UTC  

Every economy going back on the gold standard has an economic crash.

2018-12-25 22:31:05 UTC  

This happened all across the world after WW2.

2018-12-25 22:31:16 UTC  

I wonder why, going from debt treadmill fiats to actual money with value

2018-12-25 22:31:58 UTC  

It's because sovereign fiat is far superior for a good economy

2018-12-25 22:32:06 UTC  

So what's the value of a fiat.

2018-12-25 22:32:12 UTC  

What is the actual value

2018-12-25 22:32:45 UTC  

How much does cotton paper and ink cost?

2018-12-25 22:33:05 UTC  

It's like the penny costing more money to mint than it's worth because reasons

2018-12-25 22:33:10 UTC  

The value in fiat comes from the state. It's what the state does business in, and it's what the state demands in taxes.

2018-12-25 22:33:19 UTC  

What is the value

2018-12-25 22:33:23 UTC  

What is the actual value

2018-12-25 22:33:32 UTC  

What is the actual value of gold?

2018-12-25 22:33:43 UTC  

How much?

2018-12-25 22:35:23 UTC  

Let's say 1 ounce

2018-12-25 22:35:25 UTC  

Also, the worth of material currencies is set by the fact it's literally worth a fixed amount of X, not as some algorithmic abstraction of state power and enforced value.

2018-12-25 22:35:41 UTC  

State power isn't an abstraction

2018-12-25 22:35:47 UTC  

It absolutely is

2018-12-25 22:35:55 UTC  

Don't pay your taxes and see how abstract it really is.

2018-12-25 22:36:10 UTC  

What's the exact ratio of state power between the US and UK?

2018-12-25 22:36:31 UTC  

What gives it the X value? How is the worth of the material calculated, I think is the question, at least the one I have

2018-12-25 22:37:03 UTC  

To be clear I'm not on one side or the other I just want to clarify

2018-12-25 22:37:49 UTC  

Worth is subjective, obviously. Lets say for instance that 1 ounce is 1 gold note. the worth of the gold is then, obviously, based on fractions or multiples of the base unit.

2018-12-25 22:38:31 UTC  

So the worth of a given weight of X is then basic division

2018-12-25 22:38:42 UTC  

Gold is no less subjective than fiat.

2018-12-25 22:38:54 UTC  

How would we deicide how much of X is worth how much of currency in the first place?

2018-12-25 22:38:55 UTC  

Fiat has no logical basic unit

2018-12-25 22:39:08 UTC  

You just decide X is 1 monies.

2018-12-25 22:39:25 UTC  

Yeah, gold's value is subjective as well.

2018-12-25 22:39:41 UTC  

Benis, you consistently drink the retard juice