Message from @Cuban Fish

Discord ID: 489267904588546048

2018-09-12 01:38:52 UTC  

he has a long history of exposing deep state corruption.

2018-09-12 01:40:46 UTC  

Corsi went before the Grand jury to give testimony a week ago... when the SC hearings and Social Media Hearings were wrapping up.

2018-09-12 01:42:20 UTC  

Roger Stone associate Randy Credico meets with Mueller grand ...
Credico's testimony came as an attorney for another Stone associate, conservative political commentator Jerome Corsi, said he would not be appearing before the grand jury Friday after being ...

2018-09-12 01:43:52 UTC  

looks like the guy brought his poodle with lol

2018-09-12 01:49:02 UTC  

I stand corrected... wonder if this had anything to due with him clamming up?

2018-09-12 01:50:36 UTC  

for myself ever since the "infighting" began inside the Q community i havent really put much trust in things as i was before

2018-09-12 01:57:37 UTC  

its possible this is more of a show than ppl realize

2018-09-12 02:01:41 UTC  
2018-09-12 02:02:14 UTC  

he doesn't make videos that take 2 days to watch and isn't boring as fuck...

2018-09-12 02:06:51 UTC  

Q Anon would make an epic movie one day!

2018-09-12 02:19:11 UTC  

oh shit eclipse just gave credit to dustin for showing how the microchip logs were faked

2018-09-12 02:21:15 UTC  

i love that guy

2018-09-12 02:35:02 UTC  

Trying most I can to get to what that guy is spouting. Really doing best to focus. Conclusion: Dude is an idiot psyop...

2018-09-12 02:36:04 UTC  

he has a photographic memory and more than one degree

2018-09-12 02:36:24 UTC  

he was a college professor

2018-09-12 02:36:29 UTC  

but maybe youre right idk

2018-09-12 02:36:31 UTC  

Matters not

2018-09-12 02:36:39 UTC  

yup sure

2018-09-12 02:38:17 UTC  

This guy is surely FOS. Outtahere.......

2018-09-12 03:03:04 UTC  

haha funny article

2018-09-12 03:04:18 UTC  

@crypto97 look for c60 on

2018-09-12 03:22:56 UTC  

NY Slime. Come on. Truth is the last thing they would ever print.
Not my fault these slims balls are too stupid to understand Q and the communication between Trump and him.
War Drummer has some understanding.

2018-09-12 03:23:47 UTC  

You may not like it but just wait. When you see these slime balls going to prison or getting cancer like McCain perhaps you will understand.

2018-09-12 03:36:18 UTC  

alright fine since so many of you have been posting 9/11 things there's the only aspect that matters before i sleep....

2018-09-12 03:37:56 UTC  

Sorry, wrong board. Meant to post in memes.

2018-09-12 03:39:23 UTC  

someone reached out to me once who knewUnirock

2018-09-12 03:39:25 UTC  

in real life

2018-09-12 03:39:33 UTC  

if you're out there, please do so again I cant find the DM

2018-09-12 04:19:21 UTC  

Good video on war drummers channel.

2018-09-12 04:23:34 UTC  

Open to bartering bullion silver or btc for Carbon60 once I am caught up on orders. Also possibly looking for a live-in part time housekeeper (free rent in exchange for a little cleaning/meal prep and plenty of jobs in small rural town) Cant keep up, exhausted.

2018-09-12 04:31:21 UTC  

Stumbled onto this. Thought I'd take a screenshot before its changed.

2018-09-12 04:36:57 UTC  

🤔🤔 thoughts?

2018-09-12 05:43:35 UTC  

twitter considers this a sensitive image

2018-09-12 06:20:50 UTC  

My earlier conversation I mentioned:

2018-09-12 06:37:19 UTC  

how nike saves itself - have a trump as a spokes person

2018-09-12 06:38:44 UTC  

Maybe it's a life preserver...