Message from @noobypropmaker

Discord ID: 643549532369584128

2019-11-11 20:32:10 UTC  

Any of the early engels stuff is alright. Honestly he put more thought into socialism and communism than marx imo

2019-11-11 20:32:22 UTC  

Tfw buy some bernie stuff lmfao

2019-11-11 20:33:16 UTC  

''Rosa luxemburg reader'', its a collection of her writing @Deleted User

2019-11-11 20:33:25 UTC  

How's Socialism: Utopian and Scientific?

2019-11-11 20:33:47 UTC  

This tinnitus today is awful

2019-11-11 20:33:49 UTC  

That count as socialist not communist?

2019-11-11 20:34:12 UTC  

You have Tinnitus, doc?

2019-11-11 20:34:16 UTC

2019-11-11 20:34:18 UTC  

Havent read that one

2019-11-11 20:34:21 UTC  

Yeah, I'm looking for one more socialist book.

2019-11-11 20:34:34 UTC  

@Deleted User oh yes and it gets bad occasionally

2019-11-11 20:34:40 UTC  

Tfw do you guys think american society will collapse into anarchy or rally behind an authoritarian figure when the dhit hits the fan?

2019-11-11 20:34:47 UTC  


2019-11-11 20:34:50 UTC  


2019-11-11 20:34:50 UTC  

Remember lads, soy is one letter off from goy

2019-11-11 20:35:01 UTC  


2019-11-11 20:35:05 UTC  

I reckon it's gonna splinter into factions if the shit hits the fan

2019-11-11 20:35:11 UTC  

Like in China

2019-11-11 20:35:25 UTC  

That's what happens whenever shit hits the fan there

2019-11-11 20:35:56 UTC  

As I said, kek Rosa's collection

2019-11-11 20:36:05 UTC  

Yeah i can see the country splitting up into factions due to how divided we are politically

2019-11-11 20:36:16 UTC  

Tfw george lincoln rockwell rises from the grave to reinstate the american nazi party

2019-11-11 20:36:38 UTC  

And due to how armed it is @noobypropmaker
In a country like mine, you won't get too many factions
not enough weapons to allow them to exist

2019-11-11 20:36:45 UTC  

More likely to get a civil war 2 electric boogaloo

2019-11-11 20:37:02 UTC  

In America though, you could get warlords

2019-11-11 20:37:09 UTC  


2019-11-11 20:37:09 UTC  

Ideological or otherwise

2019-11-11 20:37:32 UTC  

This server waiting for a civil war

2019-11-11 20:37:37 UTC  

The only way i can see the country unite behind an authoritarian figure is if that figire some how miraculously manages to bridge the gap between every political group and we all know that ain't happening

2019-11-11 20:37:47 UTC  

Buck down the street that has been hording guns for years suddenly walks out of his house wearing a sleeveless flannel and a mullet ready to enslave the state

2019-11-11 20:38:31 UTC  

Nah all that would be needed would be a scary enough outside force

2019-11-11 20:38:34 UTC  

>Mfw California is taken over by David Joo and the rest of the Roof Koreans because they know how to form a militia

2019-11-11 20:38:43 UTC  

And will do it before anyone else can

2019-11-11 20:39:00 UTC  

Even a liberal would unite behind trump if suddenly russia started ammassing tanks and shipping them into alaska

2019-11-11 20:39:00 UTC  

I'd gladly join the korean or right wing deathsquads

2019-11-11 20:39:28 UTC  

If the american japs form a militia ill be their american breeding stock

2019-11-11 20:39:35 UTC  


2019-11-11 20:39:41 UTC  

This guy wants some anime girl pussy

2019-11-11 20:39:45 UTC  

Smart move

2019-11-11 20:40:09 UTC  

There be some asian women that be lookin good tho 👀