Discord ID: 666829816921849886

2020-01-15 01:51:06 UTC  

Actually yeah

2020-01-15 01:51:08 UTC  

We do

2020-01-15 01:51:29 UTC  

My neighborhood tends to have potheads at night

2020-01-15 01:51:32 UTC  


2020-01-15 01:51:41 UTC  

Where do get it from tho

2020-01-15 01:52:16 UTC  

Cause ours comes from the niggas in North Africa

2020-01-15 01:53:03 UTC  

Not a fucking clue

2020-01-15 01:53:51 UTC  

I have two potheads in my class.

2020-01-15 01:54:19 UTC  

One of them rolled a joint in class, didnt smoke it tho kek

2020-01-15 01:55:14 UTC  

We got too much weed over here

2020-01-15 01:57:46 UTC  
2020-01-15 01:57:52 UTC  

At least roll it at home

2020-01-15 01:58:35 UTC  

@IliasSpook CAn i tAkE ThE eXtRA ?

2020-01-15 01:59:02 UTC  

You can try. They’re gonna deport the spics selling it

2020-01-15 02:00:16 UTC  

Exept in all the states where it legal

2020-01-15 02:00:21 UTC  

Which is majority of them

2020-01-15 02:00:23 UTC  

It’s not legal in mine

2020-01-15 02:00:28 UTC  


2020-01-15 02:00:55 UTC  

Remove the spics and make it legal so it can be sold by white people

2020-01-15 02:23:24 UTC  


2020-01-15 02:23:37 UTC  

>asking "where do you get it from"

2020-01-15 02:24:05 UTC  

as a Greek I'm going to say it's most likely ALBANIA

2020-01-15 02:24:30 UTC  

they literally control the majority of the marijuana trade in europe, especially in the balkans

2020-01-15 02:24:45 UTC  

we got a lot of weed too here in greece

2020-01-15 02:24:54 UTC  

Explains why y’all have so much stoner metal

2020-01-15 02:24:56 UTC  

and I wouldn't be surprised if pretty much all of it came from albania

2020-01-15 02:25:49 UTC  

we have close to a million albanians in Greece also since the 90s after the fall of the commie bloc

2020-01-15 02:25:54 UTC  

and a shit ton of bulgarians also

2020-01-15 02:26:05 UTC  

it's most likely them pushing the drugs here

2020-01-15 02:26:16 UTC  

I'd assume the same where SOPREM lives

2020-01-15 02:26:16 UTC  


2020-01-15 02:26:40 UTC  

I'm 100% certain it's the albanians

2020-01-15 02:26:52 UTC  

bulgarians don't even compete when it comes to drug trade to albanians

2020-01-15 02:27:05 UTC  

Our dealers probably get their shit from albos so yeah

2020-01-15 02:27:13 UTC  

albanians are the true white negroes of europe, not slavs or poles

2020-01-15 02:27:22 UTC  


2020-01-15 02:27:32 UTC  

I can confirm as a greek since we have to live with them

2020-01-15 02:27:49 UTC  

they're everywhere also, even in small towns

2020-01-15 02:27:49 UTC  

Drugs are almost always cringe; prevent you from thinking with utmost clarity and often distract from the important things in life like reading, family, teaching your family how to read, other self improvement, etc.

2020-01-15 02:28:20 UTC  

but tbh albanians in my town are pretty decent/fit in, the criminals tend to be in the big cities like athens and thessaloniki

2020-01-15 02:29:36 UTC  

y'all know whats based
