Message from @hel

Discord ID: 540905862315900941

2019-02-01 13:56:02 UTC  

Oh lmfao

2019-02-01 13:59:28 UTC  

Jesus that’s scary

2019-02-01 14:21:55 UTC  

At first I thought that the first story was why you went MGTOW or redpill, I was like hell you've seen some shit

2019-02-01 14:23:12 UTC  

Oh fuck no.

2019-02-01 14:23:19 UTC  

I've never even had a girlfriend.

2019-02-01 14:23:22 UTC  

I was really lucky.

2019-02-01 14:23:44 UTC  

Plus bisexuality made it easy to get laid.

2019-02-01 14:25:42 UTC  

Lucky you

2019-02-01 14:27:05 UTC  

I dunno. I'm more or less grateful for my experiences with women. I wouldn't be the person i am today if it wasn't for those experiences i believe.

2019-02-01 14:34:45 UTC  

Every older mgtow could say that.

2019-02-01 14:35:18 UTC  

Reminds me of the recruiter guy at the beginning of Starship Troopers.

2019-02-01 14:35:47 UTC  

"Mobile Infantry made me the man I am today." *is missing three limbs*

2019-02-01 14:36:11 UTC  

lol perfect analogy

2019-02-01 14:36:20 UTC  

I need to watch that movie again..

2019-02-01 14:36:25 UTC  


2019-02-01 14:36:27 UTC  


2019-02-01 14:44:48 UTC  

incoming wall of text in lieu of the crazy woman stories above:

2019-02-01 14:45:04 UTC  

The worst part is that these stories are way more common than you'd initially think.

Here's a shortened-version of one of my worst.

When I was a teenager there was a goth chick who stalked me mercilessly.

Being a youngling and hence a tard, I didn't know how to get rid of her - so she learns where I live, and comes by as often as humanly possible.

My parents think this is great as I'm a nerdy shut-in, but I can tell something is seriously fucking wrong with this girl. The fact that she was absolutely gorgeous didn't help my case.

Anyway, the weird shit escalates with her, until finally she and some friends steal and copy my key to the house.

They think this is fucking hilarious, everyone thinks this is fucking hilarious - except for me - because I know this girl has a morbid fascination with all kinds of gory shit and is vehemently misandric.

Now that she has my key, she appears at all hours of the day.

Did I mention I was irrationally afraid of the dark at this time?

Yeah I'm nyctophobic and I've gotten my own very real monster. Great.

In the corner of my room, under my bed, in my closet, everywhere! I can't get away from this chick.

Sometimes she'd be there for hours before I even realized, silently observing - untill, I don't know, she got bored and started humming some creepy fucking chant.

Eventually she stalks me during the day aswell.

This slowly erodes my sanity.

I couldn't take it anymore and got a knife. That thing didn't leave my side for years.
I hid it under my clothes when away from home, and while at home I hid it under my pillow.

I always check the doors now, the windows, the closets, everything - and I lock the door to my room, always. I can't sleep if I don't do it.

Now, I eventually resolved this thing with the girl. There is no bad blood. She just had an absolutely abysmal childhood, and I made her feel safe.
But even now, all these years later, when the house creaks at night - my fight or flight gets triggered.

2019-02-01 14:46:26 UTC  

Sounds like a r/NoSleep story

2019-02-01 14:46:36 UTC  

You know one thing I noticed

2019-02-01 14:46:47 UTC  

That all these "crazy" girls are 90% of the time attractive

2019-02-01 14:46:58 UTC  


2019-02-01 14:47:09 UTC  

Society treats attractive women differently.

2019-02-01 14:47:27 UTC  

Most normal rules don't apply.

2019-02-01 14:47:40 UTC  

They can get away scot free with the most outrageous things.

2019-02-01 14:48:35 UTC  

bikoz some time during their growing up they realized they are not valued for anything but their shell and from there insanity settles and they abuse their shell every way they can without really knowing how to be a human because no one teaches you that

2019-02-01 14:48:56 UTC  

that's a sad fucking fate

2019-02-01 14:49:19 UTC  

but I think it's deeper than that

2019-02-01 14:49:22 UTC  

if that were the case

2019-02-01 14:49:34 UTC  

there would have to be at least some non-crazy women out there

2019-02-01 14:49:47 UTC  

I haven't found a single one in 20+ years

2019-02-01 14:50:57 UTC  

the reality of it is slowly sinking in

2019-02-01 14:51:03 UTC  

they don't exist

2019-02-01 14:51:07 UTC  

the women I'd hoped for

2019-02-01 14:51:12 UTC  

the women I was taught to look for

2019-02-01 14:51:30 UTC  

feels bad man

2019-02-01 14:51:41 UTC  

like half of the population of the world got swapped out

2019-02-01 14:52:00 UTC  

and instead of women

2019-02-01 14:52:27 UTC  

there are these mad fucking things, irrational beyond belief, detached from reality and responsibility

2019-02-01 14:54:00 UTC  

Fuck! xD

2019-02-01 14:54:19 UTC  

I get why the ancient Greeks were shagging eachother now xD