Message from @Andrew The Meme King

Discord ID: 486232313206800404

2018-08-30 04:53:14 UTC  

Pose your questions here. If it's directed at a specific user be sure to @ them.

2018-08-30 04:53:30 UTC  

2018-08-30 18:22:22 UTC  

why is my moderator status removed, without any explanation?

2018-08-31 06:41:16 UTC  

@igorbloodscene you pinned a video, I told you to not do that, you said too bad.

2018-08-31 22:46:49 UTC  

@Happy Humble Hermit Is equality of opportunity bullshit? TFM says women shouldn't go to college, but he is a libertarian that supports equality of the law? So would explicit legal restrictions on women be in violation?

2018-09-01 01:01:23 UTC  

@fury3250 if you want to keep equality of opportunity, you have to decentivise women from going to college and only the most determined will get through. Talk to any girl who has dropped out of college and the common theme is that they were paying for it themselves. A part of the reason that college is dominated by women is because they get so much financial support that allows them to go with little to no risk or investment. Removing the money from the college industry is never going to happen, so they will naturally filter themselves out when the college debt bubble bursts.

2018-09-01 15:49:40 UTC  

@Happy Humble Hermit Okay, so women will eventually leave college when the loan gets too much, which is happening. But what if TFM is right? If women are objectively inferior to men, we should just make laws to limit them because they are inferior. After all, you don't treat unequal things equally, right? So if women tried to enter college, get a career, or vote, we just say that they can't because they are inferior to the average man, and are objectively worse creatures. Break women's psych so much that they bow down and kiss a man's ass for the rest of their life, and you can treat them however you want. (With caveats of course.) Hell, maybe we could make laws saying women can't protest or complain about their rights, due to their inferiority.

2018-09-01 18:23:19 UTC  

@fury3250 only one culture is capable of doing that and its coming for all of us

2018-09-01 19:18:30 UTC  

Naw we could do it.

2018-09-01 19:44:00 UTC  

@Happy Humble Hermit , do you actually go fishing tho??

2018-09-01 20:55:15 UTC  

@ZODD haven't been in a while

2018-09-01 20:55:34 UTC  

I'll have to film it when it gets cooler out

2018-09-01 21:11:32 UTC  

I feel like fishing is more fun with a small group of people

2018-09-01 21:27:17 UTC  

Hey @Happy Humble Hermit , what would be a more interesting outcome; if thanos got rid of Half the Men of the whole population, or Got rid of Half the Women (young&old) of the population of the human race?

2018-09-01 21:43:14 UTC  

@ZODD women operate identically across cultures, whereas changing the population of men can have drastic consequences. Removing cucks or removing masculine men can reshape a society whereas removing women won't have much impact at all. Interesting would be men, safer would be women.

2018-09-02 19:57:50 UTC  

@Happy Humble Hermit when you going to appear in tfm show?

2018-09-02 21:31:38 UTC  

@Kazemaru tfm emailed me yesterday I'll be on this coming Saturday

2018-09-02 21:33:56 UTC  

Alright! I will not lose!

2018-09-03 17:48:48 UTC  

Is anime for blue-pill cucks who glorify women?

2018-09-03 17:53:37 UTC  

anime is the pinnacle of entertainment

2018-09-03 18:09:13 UTC  

Anime that is created by a men is a fantasy of romance in a guys mind in real life

2018-09-03 18:10:18 UTC  

Also it depends on the genres. Some amines are so fucking dark you get the same nightmares in a whole week

2018-09-03 19:08:27 UTC  

Wouldn't that logic be the same for porn?

2018-09-03 19:08:41 UTC  
2018-09-03 22:40:18 UTC  

well It's fantasy

2018-09-03 22:40:29 UTC  

It's not ***real***

2018-09-03 22:41:10 UTC  

anime can also have some red pill truths too it really just depends what you're watching

2018-09-03 22:43:06 UTC  

boku no pico (Best Anime)

2018-09-03 22:43:44 UTC  

up the shut fuck zodd

2018-09-03 23:14:19 UTC  

That's generally most media. Porn, Anime, Hentai, Western Movies and Television (current era). I doubt Anime has more blue-pillness than others but there are different genres that can be more blue pill than others (Ex: Cuckoid in porn vs Netorare in Anime/Hentai).

2018-09-05 09:28:14 UTC  

How can I sand memes to Dank-memes

2018-09-05 14:45:24 UTC  

You need to get the role @the adventures male

2018-09-05 14:48:17 UTC  

Whar role man

2018-09-05 19:33:16 UTC  

What is the "Official" MGTOW logo, if there even is one?

2018-09-05 19:34:23 UTC  

There lies the rub, there is no "official" anything in MGTOW. It's free form fuckery at it's finest....

2018-09-05 19:37:42 UTC  

The best kind of fuckery there is.

2018-09-05 22:23:21 UTC  

I use the mgtow splitting lane sign logo in my videos

2018-09-06 08:11:15 UTC  

Maybe if you asked what the most widely used logo is you'd get an answer you like better.

2018-09-09 16:38:01 UTC  

@Happy Humble Hermit If you worked a job that was $65-$70k, saved at least 55% of your income every year to invest it, you had no debt, owned your car, and lived 3 mins from work - would you spend $1,250/mo on a luxury apartment (the average rent in this area is $800-900/mo) or a nice car?

The past few years I've saved a lot of income (I aim for 60-75% of my income) and invested it. Thing is, I've always lived with other people (including female roommates) and ever since discovering the red pill and mgtow I want to just live alone. I wanted to pay a little extra for 1 year just to see how it would feel to splurge a little on myself. I know this absolutely a luxury and a pretty dumb one at that (100% depreciation from renting, especially a luxury apartment) but I still *want* it, at least for a year. I currently rent a $400/mo bedroom in a shared house with a few other young professionals and try to follow Musashi's "Be indifferent to where you live" rule but the idea of living high on the hog and ALONE seems so nice right now. What's your take?

2018-09-09 21:20:02 UTC  

@machtyn im not hhh but i would get the apartment for sure. thats where your living and spending your time. a vehicle is always just a utility. and getting a reliable car is going to serve you much better than a luxury car. because you gotta consider gas costs, repair costs, etc. the hidden costs of a car can be much more than you bargin for. but for a nice place to live that provides you peace of mind and a space to decompress after a long day at work? i would say thats much more worth it than a nice car.