Message from @TheCaledonian

Discord ID: 683403093387640881

2020-02-29 19:54:56 UTC  
2020-02-29 19:55:31 UTC  

i think most agree that the definition of white is all of those with european ancestry

2020-02-29 19:55:58 UTC  

Ah yes I too derive my understanding of geopolitics from a Canadian with no degree in the field who left Canada for Japan because he found that most Canadians disagree with him politically

2020-02-29 19:56:01 UTC  

That's how immigration in America worked anyway. There was a large pool of immigration and then it full stopped, then it let loose again and then it stopped. and ever since 1965 it has been unkempt ever since.

2020-02-29 19:56:01 UTC  

Again this seems causally reversed. The Italians, Germans, Irish, and Poles (thanks for reminding me) had to integrate to *America* not to Protestantism. And when we have WASPs raised on progressivism rather than civics and love of country they fail to integrate. So it seems again that the problem is a failure to instruct civics and love of country.

2020-02-29 19:56:14 UTC  

Ah yes, the "what is white?" argument..

2020-02-29 19:56:40 UTC  

>only trusting those with degrees
major cringe bro

2020-02-29 19:56:42 UTC  

Also holy shit it's like the 7th damn time he uses that Merkel wojak in his thumbnail

2020-02-29 19:57:04 UTC  

My IQ decreases catastrophically whenever I see one of his videos

2020-02-29 19:57:18 UTC  

Pls keep watching them then

2020-02-29 19:57:27 UTC  

@Jym but remember that America was founded on the English Protestant stock who settled here into the 13 colonies I know that you know that the constitution was informed by Christianity and we know that human rights as a philosophical idea breaks down with out it

2020-02-29 19:58:11 UTC  

no one cares what your characterizations of the situation are, how about provide some meaningful solutions or perhaps an alternative diagnosis of the issue. Rather then attempting to just poison the well. @Andrew Popa 2.0

2020-02-29 19:58:23 UTC  

Armenian Chechen Spanish Finn Persian Kazakh Turk Albanian Macedonian Levantine Sicilian And Irish is what I would group along with European nations. Which I'd say is pretty much White. Keep in mind it's the context of America not just Europe.

2020-02-29 19:58:40 UTC  

So the particular political philosophy and ideas come from English Protestants

2020-02-29 19:58:43 UTC  

I won't provide my views on the subject because they are irrelevant, as are those of yours

2020-02-29 19:59:10 UTC  

> Armenian Chechen Spanish Finn Persian Kazakh Turk Albanian Macedonian Levantine Sicilian And Irish is what I would group along with European nations. Which I'd say is pretty much White. Keep in mind it's the context of America not just Europe.

Lmao, absolute mutt tier

2020-02-29 19:59:20 UTC  


2020-02-29 19:59:27 UTC  

>comes to debate channel just to insult people
this even more cringe then your statement

2020-02-29 19:59:29 UTC  


2020-02-29 19:59:41 UTC  


2020-02-29 19:59:54 UTC  


2020-02-29 19:59:59 UTC  

Well and Scotts Irish, and Cavaliers, and even the Protestant denominations had different and often opposed theology. So they wisely wrote religious freedoms into the Constitution.

2020-02-29 20:00:18 UTC  

However I can't help but just laugh at the sheer amount of armchair experts who claim to know the absolute truth when it comes to political and geopolitical matters

2020-02-29 20:00:48 UTC  

I dont recall anyone here saying that they 100% understand and know everything about political and geopolitical matters, provide a quote/screenshot/etc otherwise this observation is useless

2020-02-29 20:00:50 UTC  

@Jym I’m not arguing against religious freedom I’m merely stating that is the culture. And that’s the culture that formed and informed Americanism

2020-02-29 20:00:54 UTC  

> Yeah?

I'm sorry, dude. You can't be serious in putting the Irish and Kazakhs under the same racial group of "European" lmao

2020-02-29 20:01:22 UTC  

@Andrew Popa 2.0 then get offline and go to college

2020-02-29 20:01:41 UTC  

Go get a geopolitics degree bro

2020-02-29 20:01:48 UTC  

All this Mutt talk from you guys is cope in your purity spiral about your race being killed off and replaced. I would sooner rather my sons date Persian Iranian women than any Cucked angloid anyday.

2020-02-29 20:02:11 UTC  

Like why are you in a political discord server if all you’re gonna do is bitch about no one has a right to a opinion because they’re all dumb normies who don’t matter?

2020-02-29 20:02:38 UTC  

Just shut the fuck up dude, you add nothing to the conversation

2020-02-29 20:03:12 UTC  

yea go read the New York Times. They have degrees

2020-02-29 20:03:29 UTC  

Yes and I am pointing out that American civic culture is essentially non-denominational. That often enough your 'Protestant stock' does not carry them well. Thus my emphasis on teaching civics and love of country rather than factionalism.

2020-02-29 20:04:10 UTC  

@Jym well Protestantism is particularly individualistic, I’m not even sure if I like the particular sect. It takes the idea that everyone should read the Bible and make up their own minds and shouldn’t listen to a pope. It’s because of this “religious libertarianism” I guess, of why it matters. And all I’m saying that it should be considered. *considered* I’m not saying we should ban Catholicism.

2020-02-29 20:04:35 UTC  

> All this Mutt talk from you guys is cope in your purity spiral about your race being killed off and replaced. I would sooner rather my sons date Persian Iranian women than any Cucked angloid anyday.

I guess I'm gonna "purity spiral" because I dont see Chechens and Turks as racial kin lmao

2020-02-29 20:04:50 UTC  

i think teaching love of country and what not is all well and good as long as the vision of the country that our forefathers wanted is being taught.

2020-02-29 20:05:10 UTC  

not some BS 60's era onward post modernist vision of a multi-cultural America

2020-02-29 20:05:34 UTC  

It does often seem like people think the US started in 1920

2020-02-29 20:05:57 UTC  

More like 2020

2020-02-29 20:07:01 UTC  

What the fuck does Caucasian mean to you if you don't think Chechens are white lmao? They aren't racial kin?

2020-02-29 20:07:21 UTC  

These ideas didn’t come from absolutely no where. They came from English Protestant settlers of North America. Context matters