Message from @Assassino

Discord ID: 554147576312627215

2019-03-10 03:42:44 UTC

why is clout?

2019-03-10 03:42:47 UTC

niggas taking my preordered meat @tarusu

2019-03-10 03:42:52 UTC


2019-03-10 03:42:53 UTC

is that the stuff old people get on their knees?

2019-03-10 03:42:59 UTC

if u dont got no sauce then ya lost

2019-03-10 03:43:07 UTC

but u can still get lost in the sauce

2019-03-10 03:43:11 UTC


2019-03-10 03:43:12 UTC

stfu yakubian wigger

2019-03-10 03:43:17 UTC

Nah that's groot

2019-03-10 03:43:28 UTC


2019-03-10 03:43:29 UTC

Confusing I know trooper

2019-03-10 03:43:33 UTC

if you dont play the craft u dont get the shaft <:WeSmart:495108430336491520> <:pepeHang:495085961013624843> <:pepeGun:530820988514992143>

2019-03-10 03:43:38 UTC

niggas mad i stole the egirls ONIGGALOL

2019-03-10 03:43:41 UTC

oh groot ok

2019-03-10 03:43:52 UTC

Yeah ez mistake

2019-03-10 03:43:57 UTC

they have trees in their knees? odd

2019-03-10 03:44:03 UTC

2019-03-10 03:44:05 UTC

yakubian LOL

2019-03-10 03:44:08 UTC


2019-03-10 03:44:23 UTC


2019-03-10 03:44:37 UTC


2019-03-10 03:44:45 UTC


2019-03-10 03:44:51 UTC

ice piss and shit

2019-03-10 03:44:52 UTC

f is for friends that do stuff together

2019-03-10 03:45:01 UTC

he needs to be shot 😉

2019-03-10 03:45:10 UTC

in the words of phineas the faggot

2019-03-10 03:45:57 UTC

2019-03-10 03:46:14 UTC


2019-03-10 03:46:17 UTC

her arm looks like a wrinkly cock

2019-03-10 03:46:19 UTC


2019-03-10 03:46:27 UTC

was her arm supposed to look like a dick at first glace?

2019-03-10 03:46:46 UTC

i once was in the newspaper because i scored 48 points in a nigger ball game

2019-03-10 03:46:50 UTC

i think ive been on nsfw too much

2019-03-10 03:46:55 UTC


2019-03-10 03:46:58 UTC

2019-03-10 03:47:03 UTC

nsfw brainwash

2019-03-10 03:48:29 UTC
2019-03-10 03:48:59 UTC

🛡 ⚔

2019-03-10 03:49:19 UTC


2019-03-10 03:49:19 UTC

GG @Assassino, you just advanced to level 6!

2019-03-10 03:49:22 UTC
