Message from @GeneralTweed

Discord ID: 506966306306916372

2018-10-30 22:29:18 UTC  

But but but

2018-10-30 22:29:45 UTC  


2018-10-30 22:29:53 UTC  

😂 dumb cunt

2018-10-30 22:30:40 UTC  

not really

2018-10-30 22:30:49 UTC  

When was that?

2018-10-30 22:30:58 UTC  

presisent - a constant reminder to the dems

2018-10-30 22:31:33 UTC  

man, nothing circulating on the Bulger/ Mueller front?? Heard that news on the radio today, and immediately figured it was connected.

2018-10-30 22:32:13 UTC  

Did you read the gateway pundit article above?

2018-10-30 22:32:59 UTC  

@jman there's a couple articles in <#489840835924328458>

2018-10-30 22:33:24 UTC  

yea. I read that ghomert part back when, and remember rudy giuliani talking about the connection, too

2018-10-30 22:33:43 UTC  

someone said pretty flatly that mueller and bulger were in contact for like a decade

2018-10-30 22:34:21 UTC  

and basically traded favors while bulger monopolized evrything the mob was doing

2018-10-30 22:35:25 UTC  

was really hoping they'd know who did it, or be talking about the connection in the msm... so far nada

2018-10-30 22:45:30 UTC  

Wait, why the hell am I orange now

2018-10-30 23:02:16 UTC  

@GeneralTweed Breadbox is playing around with roles settings

2018-10-30 23:02:17 UTC  

🆙 | **Bellalu leveled up!**

2018-10-30 23:03:06 UTC  

Ah, I figured. something like that; spooky halloween orange. Thanks @Bellalu

2018-10-30 23:49:02 UTC  


time is right to adopt wat 2004 9/11 commision called 'preventive strategy' much political as it is military
non kenetic measures focused on strengthening states and building resiliance?
**as we look back over these difficult years,** we recognized the anniversary, 35th anniversary
french paratrooper peace keeper barrics,
US marine barrics, look at what has happened since that time. in most cases the breeding ground for this is not something that can be addressed by the military.
general view:
state department believes we lead with AID, ideas, example of our own country. we work with like minded nations with this regaurd, my personal view, during the 3 years i was out of the marines and on a university campus, i had time to think about what had happened.
i believe the US foriegn policy had become militarized and so i came BACK into this job,(edited)
we had to have the state dept in the lead, and MIL had to be an enabling supporting elemnt to this. couldnt shoot your way out of this problem.
frustrated, if you dont fully fund the state dept plz buy more ammunition for me cuz im going to need it.
I have dealt with this adversary were up against in the middle east since 1979 in one form or another, I've watched it morph..

2018-10-30 23:49:26 UTC  

have to get better with our allies on the MIL side. feeding info to police off the battlefield, collaborating together, so we buy the time for diplomats to amass the larger effort,
hate filled enemy. under no illusion what theyre like. have to deal with that in a mil police matter.
our next generation, we will address with education and economic opportunity.
we HAVE to give people hope, and it cannot be uni-lateral anywhere in the world.
has to be multi lateral. inclusive. STEADFAST.
enabling MIL is going to have to be supporting state department.
start with afganistan. look at the countries around it.. started outside, worked inside.
had to put more troops in...
re align those troops to supporting the afgan security forces by training/advising/assisting
we created an army and pulled the training wheels off too early.

2018-10-30 23:50:25 UTC  

only special forces had mentors with nato with them.
but spread out in penny packets aronud the country.
afgran forces we pulled all mentoring away from.
regional problem. re enforce, re align them so that more forces have our mentors with them with nato air support. the high ground is very tough ground to take if the enemy has got it.
NATO is no longer prohibited from supporting the Afghan are the ones doing the fighting... we can always own the high ground. PROTECTION OF THE PEOPLE! surrendered ground where few people lived, the afgans are doing the fighting... the taliban has been prevented from doing what they said they were going to do.
disrupt an election they were unable to disrupt.
working it. hes a force of nature hard at work on this. afgan led, afgan owned peace effort.
what is heartbreakingly difficult to understand.. is that progress and violence can be going on at the same time. I understand, we never thought this was going to be an easy job. but we are there bc if we want to protect ourselves from what happened on 9/11.. this is worth while.
when he put this forward,

2018-10-30 23:50:46 UTC  

Challenges every assumption. every sentence. every decision. aspect.. very robust discussion in every sense of the word.
50 nations in the fight --> 39.. were back to 41, both arab muslim nations joined, 1000 more troops coming from our partner/ally nations have been added in addition to the 3000 we added when we reinforced the force there.
goal= reconciliation.(edited)
tragedy that has grown beyond my ability to articulate it.
refugee in camps. bosnia. asia. ...never seem em as traumatized as syria.
If it werent for Iranian REGIME giving full support to asad, he wouldve been long gone.
What have we learned along the way...

2018-10-30 23:51:11 UTC  

one point I would make is, it has been a non state partner, 50/50 kurd and arab that has done the bulk of fighting in Syria. When we came into the office we reviewed situation, determined we HAD to change what was going on
changed tactics from Christian warfare... push out of place, push out of place... etc
we surrounded first.. then moved against it. every battle field were in over there is humanitarian field. this enemy is merciless and uses the innocents as shields. some of them were consequences of war, more than we EVER wanted to see happen , but it was part of the fight.

2018-10-31 00:08:46 UTC  

What in the hell..

2018-10-31 02:35:58 UTC  

Did you know that Whitey Bulger claimed to be involved in MK Ultra while in prison? Of the drug induced paranoia-psychiatrist kind. I didn't.

2018-10-31 03:40:41 UTC  

@yolo20152016 have you ever considered not being a shill?

"still dressed up as a guy"

so was in a guy costume on halloween?

2018-10-31 03:43:44 UTC