Message from @RustyShackleford

Discord ID: 455819567176876054

2018-06-11 19:41:05 UTC  

that tumblr searching his a massive blackpill

2018-06-11 19:41:08 UTC  


2018-06-11 19:41:12 UTC  

Oh it's just wiki

2018-06-11 19:41:18 UTC  

Thanks man

2018-06-11 19:41:26 UTC  

and if you extend that into the realm of planned out action

2018-06-11 19:41:40 UTC  

I think this even extends into thinking about stuff

2018-06-11 19:42:02 UTC  


2018-06-11 19:42:11 UTC  

Place preference

2018-06-11 19:42:16 UTC  

I got that lol

2018-06-11 19:42:18 UTC  

legit sick

2018-06-11 19:42:25 UTC  

from tumblr

2018-06-11 19:42:38 UTC  

Tumblr sucks, man

2018-06-11 19:42:45 UTC  

Hot take I know

2018-06-11 19:42:51 UTC  

stay away from tumblr

2018-06-11 19:43:16 UTC  

place preference is like, if you only smoke when you're in the bar

2018-06-11 19:43:22 UTC  

i saw something i should not have

2018-06-11 19:43:31 UTC  

you get hungry when you go into the kitchen

2018-06-11 19:43:32 UTC  

good lord

2018-06-11 19:43:42 UTC  

Lemme explain one sec

2018-06-11 19:43:51 UTC  

I think the same thing applies to even thinking about things as well

2018-06-11 19:44:13 UTC  

tumblr could not be more of a woman site if it tried

2018-06-11 19:44:15 UTC  

@DisappearHere what did you see?

2018-06-11 19:44:16 UTC  

Christ mentions this in a roundabout way in the sermon on the mount: 27 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery:

28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

2018-06-11 19:44:21 UTC  


2018-06-11 19:44:24 UTC  


2018-06-11 19:44:31 UTC  

from some epic TEEVEE show

2018-06-11 19:44:53 UTC  

Dong is becoming Terry Davis

2018-06-11 19:44:59 UTC  


2018-06-11 19:45:03 UTC  

@Dong ah you a /christian/?

2018-06-11 19:45:17 UTC  

Man of god 👍

2018-06-11 19:45:20 UTC  


2018-06-11 19:45:23 UTC  


2018-06-11 19:45:34 UTC  

but I mean, isn't it obvious that the Sin begins in the mind and in the heart

2018-06-11 19:45:42 UTC  

I was pretty atheist like 2 months ago but a lot has changed

2018-06-11 19:46:04 UTC  

I feel like that is something that is true from a purely biological standpoint

2018-06-11 19:46:10 UTC  

I am still atheist as there are fundamentals of the bible that don't resonate with me but the bible does have alot of pureness wisdom and I respect it

2018-06-11 19:46:17 UTC  

If we were in the old MDE discord they would call dong a CHRISTCUCK

2018-06-11 19:46:21 UTC  


2018-06-11 19:46:28 UTC  


2018-06-11 19:46:31 UTC  

I didn't come to christ till about 5 months ago

2018-06-11 19:46:34 UTC