Message from @Wehrmacht

Discord ID: 330704332913639424

2017-07-01 13:36:23 UTC  

My real name but not a real picture

2017-07-01 13:36:38 UTC  

That probably was part of it.

2017-07-01 13:36:47 UTC  

never use your real name.

2017-07-01 13:36:58 UTC  

I was arrested before Jimmy came down and there was no way for them to link me to the posters other than I was amused by it

2017-07-01 13:37:15 UTC  

Ashland is basically sending thought police to interrogate people to make sure they are not thinking the wrong thoughts

2017-07-01 13:37:26 UTC  

And I told the cops that

2017-07-01 13:37:33 UTC  

Does Jimmy basically have swastikas and shit on his truck?

2017-07-01 13:37:52 UTC  

The panels that he has for The Greatest Story never told has half swastikas that resemble a rising sun in some sense

2017-07-01 13:38:09 UTC  

honestly that's not a good idea.

2017-07-01 13:38:11 UTC  

But he did that for me after I got out of jail

2017-07-01 13:38:25 UTC  

I was woken up by text messages telling me that he was coming down

2017-07-01 13:38:28 UTC  

You're pretty much asking for your vehicle to be vandalized at that point.

2017-07-01 13:38:38 UTC  

that makes one an unnecessary target

2017-07-01 13:38:56 UTC  

Oh well they don't know my vehicle and Jimmy had already been doxed at that point

2017-07-01 13:39:33 UTC  

Tataki gave me that day was basically calm down man you have a lot to lose I'm older and don't nearly have as much to lose so he pretty much gave me the same talk

2017-07-01 13:39:33 UTC  

wait, was Jimmy the one I heard about who had Antifa protesting at his house?

2017-07-01 13:39:51 UTC  

Yes Jimmy is targeted frequently and I was the one in military uniform at his house counter protesting antifa

2017-07-01 13:40:05 UTC  

With the white arm band and the American flag

2017-07-01 13:40:07 UTC  

fuck I wanna watch that video again

2017-07-01 13:40:34 UTC

2017-07-01 13:40:57 UTC

2017-07-01 13:42:24 UTC  

Have several videos up on my YouTube and I'm still cutting footage together to finish uploading all of it

2017-07-01 13:42:37 UTC  

There was probably 6 hours of footage or so

2017-07-01 13:44:37 UTC  

any fights breakout?

2017-07-01 13:44:57 UTC  

Nah. We showed up expecting a fight

2017-07-01 13:45:23 UTC  

They were mostly women, shoeless faggots and beta males

2017-07-01 13:46:11 UTC  

The leader even wore herself a six-pointed star and identified herself for us

2017-07-01 13:46:20 UTC  


2017-07-01 13:46:22 UTC  

That's funny

2017-07-01 13:46:42 UTC  

I comment on her star in the video and she laughs at what I'm saying because I'm the first one in our group to notice it

2017-07-01 13:51:02 UTC

2017-07-01 13:51:04 UTC

2017-07-01 13:51:07 UTC

2017-07-01 13:51:16 UTC

2017-07-01 13:51:18 UTC

2017-07-01 13:51:19 UTC

2017-07-01 13:51:19 UTC

2017-07-01 13:51:21 UTC

2017-07-01 13:51:22 UTC

2017-07-01 13:51:23 UTC

2017-07-01 13:51:23 UTC