Message from @Wehrmacht
Discord ID: 330707438124662805
Prepare your assholes for some spam goy
This was my first real effective round of propaganda. Kept it simple with the black and white for a few reasons, mostly practical. But the contrast between black and white is pretty esoteric in nature when considering our ideology
This was my most recent
Then I did 3 pieces for the American Patriots Brigade, but I won't share those as they were technically commissions, and ceased to be solely my property when I finished and handed them over to APB
Wanted to distribute this BAD, but kinda glad I didn't considering the reception the others got
Anyway, I'm done showing off my failure. AWD propaganda, like NA propaganda is some of the best.
This is one of the first pieces that inspired me to even spend the time trying my hand at propaganda
me and one of the other guys have been behind most of the AWD propaganda
I'll make this into a decent poster to distribute
I include this because it can serve as inspiration for propaganda
I.e. <#301458554919845888>
Oy vey wot hatespeech