Message from @Artair

Discord ID: 327834352677289995

2017-06-23 06:20:34 UTC  

but I've heard about at least 3 antifa killed by one single punch or kick

2017-06-23 06:20:46 UTC  

They tried it in Cali. The day did not favor them.

2017-06-23 06:21:33 UTC  

Given the option between Ubermensche or Untermensche, no real european worth a shit will choose to stand with the Untermenschen

2017-06-23 06:22:22 UTC  

The odds dont favor them, they will find no mercy or favor with us, and the gods will not look upon them with mercy either

2017-06-23 06:22:37 UTC  

they are destined for the dustbin of history

2017-06-23 14:11:19 UTC

2017-06-23 15:02:55 UTC  

Morning guys!

2017-06-23 15:03:12 UTC  

No, unfortunately Tor is no longer secure, it's been broken heavily.

2017-06-23 15:04:52 UTC  

At first (((They))) could only find your traffic using entrance/exit vector statistics, but now they are using their own servers as TOR nodes, allowing them to intercept large amounts of traffic.

2017-06-23 15:22:03 UTC  

I don't use TOR personally, is that a requirement for being here?

2017-06-23 15:33:23 UTC  

Tor is actually easy to track by tracing the exit nodes which all show your computers mac address unless you hide it or change it.

2017-06-23 15:33:50 UTC  

Second off, no matter what that traffic is being run through your router and DNS that is associated with you router.

2017-06-23 15:34:25 UTC  

Thirdly, not every VPN Tor routes through is free of packet sniffers

2017-06-23 15:34:40 UTC  

You know, this was all in my cisco certification course.

2017-06-23 15:34:54 UTC  

Let alone, we don't even know what VPN they route through unless someone can name every VPN off TOR goes through.

2017-06-23 15:35:27 UTC  

And aside from everything Austin just said, and more, TOR is just not that secure.

2017-06-23 15:35:31 UTC  


2017-06-23 15:35:34 UTC  

Sad truth

2017-06-23 15:35:49 UTC  

That's why it's "accessible yet secure"

2017-06-23 15:36:28 UTC  

It's for the autistic kids at school who like to pretend their being cool.

2017-06-23 15:36:40 UTC  

seapea, can you type any faster?

2017-06-23 15:36:54 UTC  

@Fluxis Can you post some docs about Tor passing along mac addresses? Mac addresses are layer two and not used in layer three and above type routing that Tor does. Tor devs would specifically have to code their software to grab the mac address of the client and pass it along.

2017-06-23 15:37:35 UTC  

It's passed along in UDP and TCP packets.

2017-06-23 15:37:37 UTC  

Never studied it. I completely changed my facotry mac adress on my laptop m8.

2017-06-23 15:37:43 UTC  


2017-06-23 15:38:25 UTC  

Better safe than sorry if we're talking about computer security

2017-06-23 15:38:36 UTC  

Also using windows 10 is an instant gg on security

2017-06-23 15:39:03 UTC  

Anyone with metaploit can get into someone using windows 10 by simply googling proper commands

2017-06-23 15:39:22 UTC  

Which is why DNS + Tor on windows can up the security a few points.

2017-06-23 15:39:51 UTC  

I use windows 10 because I like to be able to play game every now and then.

2017-06-23 15:40:35 UTC  

I have this Mac running OSX for most games, and on my laptop I just use WINE to emulate windows games.

2017-06-23 15:41:21 UTC  

Well you must have a very good computer!

2017-06-23 15:41:23 UTC  

I don't lol

2017-06-23 15:41:28 UTC  

Also, real net security comes down to flashing firmware on your router

2017-06-23 15:41:58 UTC  

Here I'll make it easy

2017-06-23 15:42:27 UTC  

I've done this all before for a friend, it's really not that hard guys.

2017-06-23 15:42:41 UTC  

Assuming hackers here are your run of the mill script kiddies and not nation states, hackers can:

Use Remote Exploits to access your computer (hacking your computer).
Trick you into running exploits on your computer (viruses, malware).
Trick you into disclosing the credentials to your computer or web services (phishing).
Manipulate company employees into handing over your login details or control of your account (social engineering)
Guess the credentials to your computer or web services (cracking).
Break into web services and determine your credentials (hacking web services).
While hackers will always know about security problems before everyone else, they are less likely to use their brand new exploits against random people. High value targets (whether they be financial (paypal?), political (fbi website?) or lulzy (the fappening)) are much more likely to be their focus. Unknown exploits are valuable: They are obtained by hard work or paying for them on the black market. But the moment you use them, everyone will find out and patch the hole. So the hacker wants to make it count, he doesn't want to blow his one shot on something worthless.

2017-06-23 15:43:05 UTC  

Day to day attacks will be from relatively unskilled hackers (script kiddies) and deployed against ip address on the internet.

Occasionally a large internet service will lose it's password database to hackers e.g. Sooner or later one of these headline hacks will affect you.

In response you can:

Keep your operating system and software up to date to cut down on remote exploits.
Use anti-virus and anti-malware scanning software.
Be wary about running unknown software or logging into untrusted sites (common sense 2016).
Run a restrictive firewall to allow only certain applications access to the network.
Use a password manager to generate random, secure passwords for your local computer accounts and web services.
Use a different password on each site. Knowing one password shouldn't make it easier to guess the others.
Give fake personal info where possible, so that info from one hacked account can't be used to break into other accounts by messing with the "Forgot Password" feature or calling and manipulating support/customer service.
Only use trusted web services, and give them as little sensitive data as possible.
If you shop online, try to delete Credit Cards when you're done using them, don't keep them saved in the account.
Use Two Factor Authentication (2FA) for higher value web services (banking, email).

2017-06-23 15:43:35 UTC  

Advertisers can:

Collect information when you login to them.
Track you across different websites you visit without logging into them.
Track you via GPS on your phone.
Track you online via WiFi on your phone.
Track you offline via WiFi on your phone.
Track you offline via credit/debit cards.
Track you offline via reward/membership cards.
Some of the security (or privacy) threats with advertisers are opt-in (i.e. you accepted it) and generally advertiser tracking isn't going to mess up your day. Problems arise when advertisers sell your information on to third parties (who in turn sell it to other third parties), go broke and auction off your data, get hacked or are victims of mass surveillance.

It's worth noting that their revenue models would be colossally damaged if everyone ran adblocking software.

In response you can:

Not create social media accounts, or create accounts with false information (although you'll still have the same friends, so are still opting in big time).
Disable third party cookies in your browsers.
Turn off GPS on your phone, or use a custom rom to limit which apps have access to your GPS.
Turn off WiFi on your phone, or use a custom rom to limit which apps have access to WiFi.
Turn off WiFi when you're out and about, especially in malls/shopping centres.
Use cash.
Debit cards tell your bank what you're buying and who from and where, and they sell that.
Credit cards tell VISA/Mastercard/etc what you're buying and who from and where.
Don't use reward cards. Most people never use the "rewards" and your privacy is worth more.

2017-06-23 15:43:42 UTC  

Wow, I feel bad because my computer is unsecured.