Message from @JDM_WAAAT

Discord ID: 382985306695008258

2017-11-22 20:06:52 UTC  

```A fact is something which simply is, not something which aught to be. Someone killed trump in effigy; true. Someone killed trump in effigy and that is wrong; no, that's false. It's just something that happened, and if you want to say something that happened is right or wrong, I will automatically disagree with you, because it's categorically false. It's just something that happened, and any opinion you attach to it is ideological.
Just like if you say the holocaust is wrong; no the holocaust is just something that happened. Saying it's wrong is ideological.```

2017-11-22 20:07:11 UTC  

```I am outside of the inane endless struggle of humanity. ```

2017-11-22 20:08:58 UTC  

```Just like if you say the holocaust is wrong; no the holocaust is just something that happened. Saying it's wrong is ideological. ```

2017-11-23 01:07:50 UTC  

```No thanks. I'd actually like to live forever. As long as there's things to learn I think life will be very interesting. I think if I knew everything, I would probably transcend the need for things to be interesting anyways.```

2017-11-23 01:07:59 UTC  

```Gender is just a false dichotomy. If you google the definition of gender or look up the world health organization definition, it will tell you that it's a social construct. That means that the way people behave is given an arbitrary societally defined definition of gender, and it's totally subjective. Anyone can behave as one gender or another regardless of their genitals. Men can behave like women, women can behave like men. I personally think we should just get rid of the concept of gender and let people behave however they want, because then no one would be oppressed for simply expressing themselves in a certain way, and we wouldn't have to worry about all these unnecessary concepts. It's different from sexuality too, because whereas in sexuality you need to have these labels so you can identify who you can be partners with and not guess who's straight and who's gay, you don't really need to know what another person's gender is.

2017-11-23 01:28:08 UTC  

```If you have a moral, that's basically you imposing your subjective reality onto an objective world. Other human beings, in spite of having subjective perception, are objectively existing beings. Every human being's thoughts objectively exist, and a moral is a command of someone else to change the nature of their reality (which is to say the nature of their being). Since each person can have a different view of what reality is, each person can have a different view of what morality is. Since everyone can have a different view of what morality is, there's no way to say that there's an objectively true morality. Furthermore, the objective reality that exists outside of our heads obviously doesn't care about whether or not we're moral, because it created a world which is profoundly uncaring about our survival. It created a world where animals are basically in a food chain to survive; there is obviously no morality built into the world.```

2017-11-23 01:46:05 UTC  

```I don't really like text chats when it comes to having real interactions with people. Any time I interact with someone it's always better when it's in person. Every time I go to a chat room it's pretty much the same nonsense. I get along much better with people in person or in voice, because there's always a bunch of nuance which can be picked up on which makes everything more sincere. Online it's just a bunch of people who say stuff to you they wouldn't say to you because they're behind the mask of anonymity, and they don't actually see you face to face so they can't make real communication. In text chat, I don't really let along with leftists or the right wing, I'm always sort of in this undefinable purgatory in which I seem to piss off whatever group I'm a part of. I don't really have that problem in person, because people can see the expression on your face and know when you're being honest or fucking with them. When people can see that you're being honest then actual dialog can take place.```

2017-11-25 03:46:41 UTC  

```I just think it's funny that people think the end of net neutrality will be a good thing. Net service providers aren't going to be making the net better through free market competition, they're going to be throttling the speed of certain websites and given arbitrary jurisdiction to limit access to whatever websites they want. Our government is already incredibly corporate controlled, this will just be the last step to an orwellian nightmare where the government controls all the information you receive. There won't be "better internet service", whatever internet you know right now that you love, will be royally fucked. You'll have to pay for "packages" of certain websites, like youtube or whatever, and other websites you like may become incredibly slow or just cease to exist for whatever reason. Right now you can access any website online for free, and the websites can make you pay if they want; that is true free market capitalism. What is about to happen is corporate oligarchy.```

2017-11-25 18:30:35 UTC  

```Here's how morality works. Morals are taken as objective truth by religious people who get their morals from god. Other people get their morals from people who take the law to be objective, yet not religious. Others still see all morality as arbitrary. Now, if the law was based on christian moral law, that would mean that people said the law was passed down from god. God obviously doesn't exist, and human beings wrote the bible. It's not hard to create a society where you realize that there's a necessity to not have people murdered, because that just makes sense if you want to have a society. So if you're an atheist and you don't believe in god, if the world really was as Jordan Peterson said, you would have to inherently desire to rape and murder people if you don't believe in god, so that you fear him and don't do that stuff in fear of punishment. That's the only way that his argument could work, is if it were truly impossible to not rape and murder people unless you fear punishment, and if you had to have rules passed down from god for them to be objectively true. Since morality isn't passed down by god, it's invented by man, and since human beings can not rape and murder even if they don't believe in god, it's obvious that god isn't the absolute source of morality and you can't say that atheists are operating on "christian metaphysics.```

2017-11-26 16:09:57 UTC  

```I'm okay with it, I embraced it. You know, there's a lot of research around, it really goes on to show that pedophilia isnt as abnormal as people think```

2017-12-26 21:01:07 UTC  

```Listen. The white race is the best. Look at what we accomplished. And I say "we", because even tho I am a basement dweller working a dead end job, I do share the same amount of melanin as einstein and michealangelo. Which means that I can take credit for their accomplishment without actually having to do anything myself. That is why I am a race realist. Because it allows me to appropriate other's achievement.

2018-05-18 04:56:18 UTC

2018-07-12 21:01:12 UTC  

```Horse cock is fucking mediocre. You know why?

Because it lacks complexity. Canine cock has that glorious knot

"But horsecock has a flare!!!!" Yeah and after it cums its soft. Who wants a partner with super short stamina? "But the flare keeps the cum inside you!!!" For what? 15 seconds!? A knot does that too, for much longer, and its in just the right place to press against your prostate/g-spot. So with each one of your lovers heartbeats you can get propelled further into pleasure.

Or what about the luscious curved taper of a dolphin or orca? Thick at the base and the taper makes it an easy adjustment for beginners wroldwide. Not to mention they're PREHENSILE.

And hows about the barbed feline cock? It takes some getting used to for sure, and its not for everyone. But those barbs can really take you to the next level, the pain mixed in with the pleasure is exquisite.

Look at snakes and sharks! There's two dicks to play with.

Dragons have bumps and ridges, tapered and knotted, and every combination between!!!

Alligators and crocodiles have dicks that are literally ALWAYS erect.

And don't even start on size. Last I checked, sex isn't all about the dick, as a matter of fact you could say the cock is less than half of the important part of sex.

Horsecock is just glorified, uncomfortable, human cock, with no merits other than size, and thats a pretty fucking weak merit for this lauded "god of all cocks".

2018-08-20 15:57:48 UTC  

It is best that human beings simply destroy themselves and the planet they live on. This is not a pessimistic view, this is a realistic one, perhaps even optimistic because it would mean that an evolutionary mistake would be purged from an otherwise beautiful planet.

2018-09-22 13:18:05 UTC  

```You know that feeling when an argument someone is making is so dumb that you no longer want to engage with that person? So I was saying I find it funny when a socialist who lives in a capitalist country hates free speech. So this person starts joking about the marketplace of ideas, or whatever (the reason why I think socialists hating free speech in a capitalist country is ironic wasn't to make a point about the market place of ideas btw). So I say "You're a socialist living in a capitalist country who hates free speech. Is this a true statement?" Then the conversation gets even 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘦.

They start trying to tell me that it's a prescriptive statement. So I try to tell if person x says "I hate free speech" that is a prescriptive statement, it is one based on opinion, not fact. If someone says "person x hates free speech", then that is a fact which is true about that person, therefor it's a descriptive statement. So the person I'm talking to says I'm going on a "mindless pedantic tangent".

You know how sometimes when you're talking to someone who just makes you sick because they're so stupid? There's not many times when I just straight up wanna tell someone they're a moron, but this would be one of those times. People online wanna tell me I'm going on a mindless pedantic rant when I fucking study this concept in philosophy. Sometimes you just want to succeed in an argument with someone, but other times the level of discourse is so bad, you really just want to block the imbecile so they don't give you stomach pain looking at their degenerative diarrhea.```

2018-09-22 13:19:12 UTC  

```When people argue that private entities controlling speech isn't a "free speech" violation because it's not controlling speech under law, I wonder, why is it okay that private tyrannies like facebook, twitter, and youtube have the power to silence leftist voices (which they have), as opposed to public tyrannies? Isn't that one of the reasons we're socialists, because corporations are private tyrannies in which the workers are slaves to a system where your only choices are "worker or owner" and have basically the equivalent of choosing paper or plastic bags at the checkout counter of a grocery store? So you're okay when private entities control speech, but not when the government does it?

Private entities control massive amounts of information, if you don't care about the principle of free speech, on public or private platforms, you could easily be thrown into a 1984 like situation where we have a "ministry of truth" which only shows people propaganda - approved speech; and a ministry of justice, which probably wouldn't take too kindly to your revolutionary views. Private platforms like youtube, facebook, and twitter should be public platforms where anyone can say whatever they want, because it goes both ways. You can't say you want to censor fascists and then believe that you won't be censored if you disagree with the status quo.
I get really nauseous when I hear leftists talking about how they dislike free speech, many of whom are literally socialists. Socialists pretty widely agree that if there was a revolution capitalists would have to be killed because they would try to violently resist socialism. That's pretty much a call to genocide, and yet socialists say that it's wrong to call to genocide different races (which it is), and they think that they somehow deserve special privilege because they call for genocide for "the right reason".```

2018-09-22 13:19:48 UTC  

```I genuinely hate the whole Antifa bullshit with punching Nazis. Punching Nazis is apparently only like 1% of what Antifa even does, but I see so many socialists defending that bullshit. So if you want to set the precedent that it's cool to punch people you disagree with, you're also saying it's cool for others to punch people that they disagree with. So you're saying that there should also be more attacks on lgbt people, minorities, socialists, etc. Because according to your logic it's okay to punch people who you disagree with. No, fuck you, you're just a stupid thug who wants make the world a more dangerous place for everyone in it.

Btw, I think Noam Chomsky was right when he said that Antifa is a massive gift to the right. When people see the way that Antifascists behave, they usually think that the people doing the aggression are the ones who are wrong. When people see leftists performing violence it just instills the idea in people that anyone who wants radical change in the system is violent and scary. Can you blame them?```

2018-09-22 13:25:29 UTC  

```Forget about imperialism and exploitation of third world countries through military expansion and shipping jobs over seas too.
Forget about the crashes that happen every 10 years and the tens of thousands of people who die because they don't have health care, forget about the mountains of student debt.
Forget about the massive refugee crisis which were caused by America's foreign policy, toppling foreign governments and creating unstable regions.```

2018-09-22 13:29:19 UTC  

```I find it funny when people are against free public education even in capitalist countries. Because when they're not they're saying that trickle down economics is where they want their money to go. They're saying that they think the tax dollars should be spent on war, and tax cuts for the rich. There's a reason why people pay taxes, and it's so that the money can be put into programs which support the people living in society. When that money is squandered, that's a poor use of resources. Btw, did you know that it would save trillions of dollars to switch to a medicare for all system, because right now we pay for profit insurance companies with our tax funded welfare programs? Did you also know that the tax cuts Trump made for the wealth would have actually covered wiping out college debt, or tuition free college, and many other things?```

2018-09-22 13:29:50 UTC  

``` Btw, did you know that 70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, 4% of people born into poverty leave poverty, and 80% of the stock market is owned by 10% of people in the US, and 40% of those stocks are owned by the top 1%? Feudal society carried over so many aspects of slavery and underclass, now we just have the illusion that people can rise out of it to become the owners. John Steinbeck once said that the reason why Americans didn't embrace socialism is because they see themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionares. And before you say that communism kills people, authoritarian communists kill dissenters, and there have been libertarian socialist experiments which were often crushed by capitalist countries before they could take off. Socialists like Noam Chomsky say that it was a small victory for socialism that the USSR fell.```

2018-09-22 13:34:18 UTC  

```Trickle down economics is what has caused all these crashes. After Reagan left office we started seeing economic crashes for the first time since the new deal. When there was low wealth inequality and strong labor unions, there was a strong economy because the middle class was thriving, and people were able to buy back the products that capitalists produced. This prevented economic crashes. When businesses began deregulating and the amount that the people on the top were making skyrocketed, and the wages for the middle class stagnated, we started to see crashes. That is not even to mention the fact that capitalism is unsustainable, and is destroying the environment, which I mentioned up above. 80% of forests are gone, we're in the 6th mass extinction of animals on earth, there's a thing called the runaway greenhouse effect which is what happened to venus, and there's almost more plastic in the ocean than fish.```