Message from @fuguer

Discord ID: 641891289981255680

2019-11-07 06:33:48 UTC  


2019-11-07 06:33:58 UTC  

i mean, some maybe mildly bigger

2019-11-07 06:34:02 UTC  


2019-11-07 06:34:03 UTC  


2019-11-07 06:34:10 UTC  

Yeah i guess its just you

2019-11-07 06:34:25 UTC  

i know maximizing was considered, emojis are only allowed a certain amount of pixels

2019-11-07 06:34:33 UTC

2019-11-07 06:34:38 UTC  

<a:RedAlert:621098382940831785> <:jewishmagic:621060038223593472> <a:RedAlert:621098382940831785>

2019-11-07 06:36:18 UTC  


2019-11-07 06:36:34 UTC

2019-11-07 06:43:07 UTC  


2019-11-07 06:43:15 UTC  


2019-11-07 06:43:19 UTC  


2019-11-07 06:43:25 UTC  

<:potofkek:639995393739980810> <:Gun:639978512207314973>

2019-11-07 06:43:44 UTC  

<:steflol:561214382181318656> <:Gun:639978512207314973>

2019-11-07 06:46:10 UTC  

<a:FeelsAbdulMan:527661402035453955> <:Gun:639978512207314973>

2019-11-07 06:46:20 UTC  

<:enoch:639985589625552912> <:Gun:639978512207314973>

2019-11-07 06:46:45 UTC

2019-11-07 06:46:49 UTC  


2019-11-07 06:47:12 UTC  


2019-11-07 06:47:21 UTC  

I dont get

2019-11-07 06:47:29 UTC  

and old hag

2019-11-07 06:47:29 UTC  

she ded

2019-11-07 06:47:36 UTC  

Why are these corporations going bankrupt pushing the old woman action hero meme

2019-11-07 06:47:48 UTC  

social justice

2019-11-07 06:47:55 UTC  

cause they get money to make the movie

2019-11-07 06:47:59 UTC  

I’m so glad she died and fucked up their idiotic plan

2019-11-07 06:48:15 UTC  

But I almost wish they went thru with it and it bombed

2019-11-07 06:48:23 UTC  

doesnt matter about losses. You privatize the gains, socialize the losses

2019-11-07 06:49:15 UTC  

🦆 <:Gun:639978512207314973> <:honkpilled:558686758875824130>

2019-11-07 06:49:50 UTC  


2019-11-07 06:50:02 UTC  

I swear the emojis are huge

2019-11-07 06:50:04 UTC  


2019-11-07 06:50:14 UTC  

they look a lot bigger on my laptop

2019-11-07 06:52:46 UTC

2019-11-07 06:53:11 UTC  

thot begone <:Gun:639978512207314973> 💥

2019-11-07 06:55:21 UTC  

found something interesting out about the misfits today

2019-11-07 06:55:36 UTC  

There’s lots of trad girls out there for you guys