Message from @Luiz Tinoco

Discord ID: 451916063949586456

2018-05-31 19:39:46 UTC  

Anything that fragments the Church into squabbling splinters is a tool of evil. The Devil has influence over a great deal.

2018-05-31 19:55:26 UTC  

I used to do it on that app "bottled"

2018-05-31 19:55:55 UTC  

But then they banned me for some reason and never responded my emails

2018-05-31 20:21:36 UTC

2018-05-31 20:24:25 UTC  

Niggas... and others...

2018-05-31 20:26:03 UTC

2018-05-31 20:26:37 UTC  

I'm down for that sort of thing

2018-05-31 20:26:44 UTC  

Hey /relics/, I'm looking for help. You see, I'm not even baptised yet, but want to enter christendom possibly till the end of this summer. Problem is, as far as I know there is no way one could get baptized without godparents, and I have zero candidates for that. There's literally no one in my whole family that is worthy of such a title, not because I'm proud, but because they are all a) prots (I like them the most tbh) b) or godless liberals, who although may be catholic, but has only taken up Christianity because it became a trend in their school at the time.

Another guess was the cousin of my girlfriend, but she's only 3 years older than me, but has a very pure heart. I'm afraid it would come out as awkward though.

Anyone in a similar situation? Any advices? Should I seek the advice of my local priest?

2018-05-31 20:30:42 UTC  

You most definetly should talk to your local priest

2018-05-31 20:31:24 UTC  

I take it you atend mass already and is seeking to regularize yourself?

2018-05-31 20:33:41 UTC  

A couple friends of mine were godparents to a girl who was the same age. But yes, talk to the priest.

2018-05-31 20:41:54 UTC  

Actually I don't, I've been putting it off for a few weeks now, but I'm ready to attend mass regularly. I guess that should be the first step.
So can I just talk to the priest after the mass on Sunday regarding my issue? Or how do things like this go?
Sorry for being so ignorant, but I never received religious upbringing. I have only attended like 4 masses in my life aside from wedding masses.

2018-05-31 20:49:27 UTC  

according to a quick google it's not necessary for Godparents if you are an adult

2018-05-31 20:49:33 UTC  

though obviously speak to a priest to get an actual, weighted opinion on the matter

2018-05-31 20:59:42 UTC  

Just go talk to the priest after Mass. He should be happy to discuss everything with you.

2018-05-31 21:00:15 UTC  

OK, thanks for your insight, I appreciate it :)

2018-05-31 22:13:59 UTC  

@GenkiDaman I’m guessing you’re an adult? Myself, my parish priest and a few members of my parish were chatting over lunch last Sunday about someone who reached out to a friend of mine. This person wished to be received into the church in the traditional rites. Father stated that without a firm commitment to the Catholic faith and regular (read: meet your obligation ie Sunday’s and holy days of obligation) there would be absolutely no point. He commented that the church nowadays seems to baptise & confirm more ‘lapsed Catholics’ than ‘Catholics’ as many who are baptised and confirmed are hardly seen again at mass. This is especially true in parochial sacraments of initiation classes in systemic catholic schools in Australia (my country). 95% of the kids confirmed are never seen again at Mass. We need those who believe in the faith and who hold fast to its precepts (Mass attendance on Holy Days of Obligation is a precept of the Church), as they are the future of the Church. You will probably be required to undergo catechesis prior to reception. I will pray for you along your journey into the Catholic faith

2018-05-31 22:25:04 UTC  

Naturally, there would be no point in committing myself to the catholic faith, if I wasn't meaning to hold fast to the precepts.
Thank you for the wishes :)
If anyone is interested, I might update on Wholesome Sunday.

2018-05-31 22:43:19 UTC  

Please do

2018-06-01 01:12:57 UTC  

Okay bois

2018-06-01 01:13:05 UTC  

I'm in a pickle!

2018-06-01 01:14:58 UTC  

What's your problem?

2018-06-01 01:25:50 UTC  

So, see, I spent 5 years with a person and I thought she was perfect, but long story short; she decided to thot up and throw it all away because "MUST ENJOY MY YOUTH" kind of thought. K fine I already overcame that. But it appears that I forgot how to approach people and I can't seem to correct myself, how do you do it? I think it looks strange to just talk to people

2018-06-01 01:26:06 UTC  

Shit, I don't know it that makes any sense.

2018-06-01 01:26:27 UTC  

Okay, let me summarize.

2018-06-01 01:26:42 UTC  

You lost your sweetheart, and know you've forgotten how to introduce yourself.

2018-06-01 01:26:55 UTC  


2018-06-01 01:27:57 UTC  


2018-06-01 01:28:27 UTC  

why do women do this more than men?

2018-06-01 01:30:00 UTC  

Pretty much, Kristov

2018-06-01 01:31:09 UTC  

For real Kaitsar, strangely tho, when people heard we had broken up, the first thought they had was that I had screwed up

2018-06-01 01:31:19 UTC  

Imagine their shock.mp3

2018-06-01 01:38:26 UTC  

I'll pray for you.

2018-06-01 01:38:33 UTC  

Are you in an active, young parish?

2018-06-01 01:45:10 UTC  

There are a few people around my age there

2018-06-01 01:45:29 UTC  

But I'm pretty new there

2018-06-01 01:50:31 UTC  

Well, best I can give you is this: get involved in the parish, get involved in the community. You'll have to introduce yourself to people you work with. Stick around after Mass. It helps that you're new, because that's a way of introducing yourself: "Hi, I'm Luiz, I'm new here." And then say something about the parish.

Of course, take this with a grain of salt. I don't currently have a girlfriend, and I never have had one. But I've talked to lots of girls my age, so there you have it.

2018-06-01 01:50:44 UTC  

I really am grateful for prayers btw, thank you

2018-06-01 01:53:17 UTC  

I guess there's no other way to do it other than putting myself in that situation huh. Damn I forgot how awckward I was lol

2018-06-01 01:54:16 UTC  

One thing I can tell you for certain: listen to her. Whoever she is. Don't always talk about yourself.

2018-06-01 01:54:25 UTC  

Hopefully you know that already, just thought I'd make sure.