Message from @Sdeck37

Discord ID: 448443363948101642

2018-05-22 11:10:38 UTC  

They live here with their families. They aren't homeless

2018-05-22 11:10:43 UTC  


2018-05-22 11:10:49 UTC  

But they sit and dig thru trash

2018-05-22 11:10:55 UTC  


2018-05-22 11:11:02 UTC  

so they are just cunts looking for shekels

2018-05-22 11:11:07 UTC  

Nah they look for bottles to recycle

2018-05-22 11:11:19 UTC  

But not to be good citizens it's cause they want the money

2018-05-22 11:11:28 UTC  

god china should hook them up with a computer and make them grind WOW gold to sell to americans

2018-05-22 11:11:30 UTC  

Spend 8 hours getting trash make yourself a buck fiddy on a good day

2018-05-22 11:12:00 UTC  

So what else should they do to earn money?

2018-05-22 11:12:02 UTC  

You don't understand
It's called communitial recycling <:aliOK:251417852156837888>

2018-05-22 11:12:24 UTC  

I doubt someone with better job expectations would dig for bottles

2018-05-22 11:12:30 UTC  

Nah cause they make a huge mess afterwards. They dig thru the trash, get the bottles, and then make a huge mess

2018-05-22 11:12:41 UTC  

The trash Is all over

2018-05-22 11:12:47 UTC  

Also full time bottle collectors exist in Germany, too

2018-05-22 11:12:58 UTC  

Nah these are women in their 70s and 80s it's like a hobby not a job

2018-05-22 11:13:02 UTC  

Usually I just give them bottles if I happen to have some when I see one passing by

2018-05-22 11:13:03 UTC  

They are retired

2018-05-22 11:13:31 UTC  

Bottle collectors are a wholesome meme these days though

2018-05-22 11:13:34 UTC  

They've no need for the money it's more or less to pass the time and have something to show for it

2018-05-22 11:13:49 UTC  

People put their bottles next to the trash cans

2018-05-22 11:13:51 UTC  

I wouldn't mind it if they didn't make a mess, recycling is good.

2018-05-22 11:13:52 UTC  


2018-05-22 11:14:03 UTC  

I once gave a Swiss plastic bottle to a bottle collector in Berlin and he called me a son of a bitch

2018-05-22 11:14:10 UTC  

Because he can't recycle the Swiss bottles

2018-05-22 11:14:14 UTC  

How tf would I know?

2018-05-22 11:14:18 UTC  


2018-05-22 11:14:21 UTC  

You mother fucker stealing his cash

2018-05-22 11:14:25 UTC  


2018-05-22 11:14:57 UTC  

I see these women spread all the food everywhere and bring rats and shit, and they spray all their cardboard and bottled with water

2018-05-22 11:15:05 UTC  

So it's heavier to make more money

2018-05-22 11:15:11 UTC  

Du scheiß hurensohn
Stop scamming him

2018-05-22 11:16:17 UTC  

It bothers me when chinks pretend to care about one thing but it's really about something else. Like chinks don't use AC often because they don't like cold and don't want to spend money, but they will say "oh it's for the environment "

2018-05-22 11:16:50 UTC  

Or they say the grandma's who dig thru trash are doing a public service to the community , but they make things worse

2018-05-22 11:16:59 UTC  

I understand they are being optimistic

2018-05-22 11:17:03 UTC  

And I can appreciate that

2018-05-22 11:17:16 UTC  

But I've seen how nasty their hearts are and the real intentions are there

2018-05-22 11:17:37 UTC  

I've only met one chink who actually cared about the environment

2018-05-22 11:17:48 UTC  

And was honest about it and the other trash in China

2018-05-22 11:18:09 UTC  

At this point I think the government cares more about the environment than the people

2018-05-22 11:18:42 UTC  

@porco you can't recycle foreign bottles ??