Message from @I Know a Fat Guy

Discord ID: 502635561534619649

2018-10-19 00:06:05 UTC  

Didn't they have a whole bunch of other shows they created but they went under immediately and all of it is on their Politics show?

2018-10-19 00:06:26 UTC  

yep....rumor has it they are having finacial trouble

2018-10-19 00:06:57 UTC  

Speaking of which

2018-10-19 00:07:04 UTC  

thats why if you check out a vid its laced with ads. And they have a membership drive.....and they lowered the membership bonuses

2018-10-19 00:07:07 UTC  

What's up with Laci these days

2018-10-19 00:07:25 UTC  

She's still getting the Ray Gun from last I heard but that was about a year ago

2018-10-19 00:07:32 UTC  

I figured they didn't have to worry about money, aren't they financed with Sorosbux whether they do well or not?

2018-10-19 00:07:52 UTC  

No. They get Qatari guvment money

2018-10-19 00:08:07 UTC  

no they don't get Soros money but they have been laying off people recently

2018-10-19 00:08:32 UTC  

When do we get the "Why I left TYT" videos?

2018-10-19 00:08:43 UTC  

Are they going to be Air Scamerica all over again?

2018-10-19 00:08:51 UTC  

What a delight that would be!

2018-10-19 00:09:30 UTC  

Dave Rubin did a why I left other good personality left all the ones that were fired shows were terrible

2018-10-19 00:09:47 UTC  

Though maybe not so great, since the consequence of that going under was that Stuart Smalley stole an election and became Senator Grope.

2018-10-19 00:11:14 UTC  

Nomiki Komst or whatever her name is. She is running for some stupid position in NYC

2018-10-19 00:11:34 UTC  

Right...but that McCaskill situation in Missouri

2018-10-19 00:11:57 UTC  

hey maybe she goes down

2018-10-19 00:12:17 UTC  

not sure how much Veritas gets play down there

2018-10-19 00:12:42 UTC  

Enough for their local media to be covering to a large extent and enough for her campaign to notice

2018-10-19 00:13:48 UTC  

What happened with Veritas and McCaskill?

2018-10-19 00:14:16 UTC  

They caught her saying she is far more progressive then she is letting the voters know

2018-10-19 00:14:50 UTC  

She lies about her positions to win moderate voters and hides her funding from Planned Parenthood to win over Pro-Life Democrats

2018-10-19 00:15:33 UTC  

If that's enough to change the election then it makes me sad

2018-10-19 00:16:39 UTC  

Considering that the opinions of individual Democrats are pretty irrelevant once they get to Washington and vote according to the whims of the leadership.

2018-10-19 00:17:21 UTC  

If you're running for office and aren't confident enough that your positions are popular with your base, lying probably isn't the best way to go

2018-10-19 00:19:08 UTC  

well I doubt its the first politician to lie

2018-10-19 00:19:31 UTC  

Fair point. But don't complain once you're caught doing it

2018-10-19 00:20:07 UTC  

Elizabeth Warren should learn that

2018-10-19 00:20:56 UTC  

I second that

2018-10-19 00:25:23 UTC  

Was telling my sister she should go to Harvard once she gets her law degree. If 1/1024 gets them excited imagine what several orders of magnitude more would do
And then she can redpill the students

2018-10-19 00:25:59 UTC  

I'd rather bypass law school. There's states that allow that, ya know

2018-10-19 00:32:17 UTC  

Watching Louder with Crowder, Owen's dad jokes are hilarious.

2018-10-19 00:36:12 UTC

@Deleted User the comments on this article are ridiculous. The article suggests that model 3 demand may decrease as soon as backlogged orders are filled and every single commenter disagrees based on their personal experience.

2018-10-19 00:42:44 UTC  


2018-10-19 00:42:45 UTC  


2018-10-19 00:47:32 UTC  

That's kind of the same problem that some kickstarter projects face. If all the people that want one have already given you their money, then what are you going to do once you are caught up with the preorders, or kickstarter backers, or whatever you call them.

2018-10-19 00:48:18 UTC  

Yeah. One guy is like ‘I bought 3 model 3s’. How does that prove anything? ‘In California, the demand is large’ good for California, what about the rest of the country?

2018-10-19 00:49:59 UTC  

To my knowledge, decreased sales after filled backlogs happen with all cars that can be preordered. These jokers also assert that tesla doesn’t advertise. 😑

2018-10-19 00:50:42 UTC  

It’s these idiots that make me want a 4chan mob to go to the comment section here.

2018-10-19 00:50:46 UTC  


2018-10-19 00:51:02 UTC  

Ah-ru! Ah-ru! Ah-ru!