Message from @Kombat-Unit

Discord ID: 318031651051667457

2017-05-27 12:58:07 UTC  

After all it is a race mixer as the featured speaker...

2017-05-27 13:02:09 UTC  

Who is speaking at this one? I think handing out literature and chatting with people is exactly the right thing to do. I think things counter to our goals would be acting disorderly, giving unofficial press interviews, stuff that we already know we shouldn't do.

2017-05-27 13:07:02 UTC  

Kyle "based race mix man" Chapman. It's a patriot prayer event but he's the featured speaker. Yeah totally agreed I'm not there to act disorderly, speak to media, etc. Just thought it would be a good "hunting ground" for people with similar interests. No swazi shirt for this event. 😉

2017-05-27 13:09:23 UTC  

Just thought it prudent to officially "check in" with the party before engaging in any proselytizing activities with John Q. Public

2017-05-27 13:14:56 UTC  

Haha, Kyle Chapman is everywhere these days. While I think race mixing is an abhorrent sin against humanity, at least he bring in numbers of people against Antifa. At one point, I considered hanging out with a "civic Nationalist" group near where I live, just because they have a lot of people. Then, I was, I really going to put myself on the front lines with people who believe in racial integration ?? It's not a possibility.

2017-05-27 13:16:24 UTC  

If I'm going to get called a Nazi no matter what I do, why not just be the Nazi that I have always been.

2017-05-27 13:19:52 UTC  

See, this was my thought too, but then I thought about it & said to myself, "I'm not there to fight for civic nationalists, just to help any fellow white men/women find the true path, if it descends into mob violence (50/50 odds on that) I will quietly excuse myself for the 3 hr. Drive home." I'm obviously aware that my TWP shirt could single me out for attack... at which point I will employ the required force to protect myself, nothing more nothing less. This is absolutely not about me front lining for civic fucks. More trying to swipe some of their folks in the background, if nothing else some of them will hopefully go home & look us up.

2017-05-27 13:21:07 UTC  

*fucks, cucks, same thing: 😄

2017-05-27 13:21:14 UTC  

Of course. I see a lot of value in you going there. A lot of civic nationalists don't know there are other options. A lot are racialists.

2017-05-27 13:21:33 UTC  


2017-05-27 13:22:00 UTC  

And, they're going to get called Nazis anyway. They're already stigmatized. Why not take up Hitler worship as the next step?

2017-05-27 13:22:46 UTC  

I debated, TWP shirt or "my boss is an Austrian painter" shirt 🤔

2017-05-27 13:23:05 UTC  

I'll push the party though haha

2017-05-27 13:23:10 UTC  

Well, EH is probably three or four steps down the line....

2017-05-27 13:23:25 UTC  


2017-05-27 13:23:47 UTC  

Well, be careful out there. Don't let Antifa or some random SJW catch you off guard.

2017-05-27 13:24:20 UTC  

I will be. Won't be a good day for any that try.

2017-05-27 13:25:09 UTC  


2017-05-27 14:22:08 UTC  

99% of the civics lack any sort of ideology beyond muhflag muhpatriotism, and will be at most as radical as their leader, and follow their ques entirely, for the better or for worse.

2017-05-27 14:22:49 UTC  

So you wouldn't waste your time/$?

2017-05-27 14:24:14 UTC  

I meant exactly what I said, most civcucks lack hardcore ideology period, if you explained NS to them in the most basic way possible you'd probably get a ton of people agreeing with you unless the racemixing stickman or any higher up has a problem with it.

2017-05-27 14:27:21 UTC  

Said this before, but all mass rallies, the ones without strict regimented order are like big herds divided roughly in two, and what goes down boils down entirely to what the leadership/vanguard does, everyone else just follows. There's no time for deep politics when rocks and bottles fly.

2017-05-27 14:29:11 UTC  

Wouldn't be there to directly interact with any of the organizers, from what I've seen these sorts of events draw out all kinds, anti-antis mainly, which may be a good recruitment pool, people that want to fight, they sense that things are not right, they just need some help down the path...
That being said, I don't want to waste my time/$ going to waste my breath on a bunch of civic cucks. The last one a few weeks ago was mainly a bunch of idiots yelling at each other... this was my internal debate... I doubt it will descend into full scale violence, but it could.

2017-05-27 14:29:35 UTC  

It's a great idea trying to get National Socialists into all organization committees or whatever you have for mass rallies, if you can't organize them entirely by yourself. Experience has shown civics will join rallies by nazis if there's no one else organizing them. This probably contributes hugely to rallies size here. And this serves to polarize the situation. Cuck Knights can only exist when there's no large enough divide between the sides. When everyone comes to the demo with the mentality blood will be spilled because the other size is pure incarnation of evil and tries to kill you, even the more moderate right will fall in line and fight commies with together with nazis, under nazis. The same is true for more moderate left and the opposite side. But if you have some flabby civic racemixing cuck leading the right versus leftists with hardcore antifascists, the right will lack all the fanaticism and fanatics and only handicap the the nationalists in the worst way possible.

2017-05-27 14:29:46 UTC  

Antis are really the best possible recruitment tool, I've found.

2017-05-27 14:30:22 UTC  

And yeah, I agree, I precisely meant the mostly unideological anti antis who showed up to listen to cucks because there aren't any hardcore commie smashers.

2017-05-27 14:30:43 UTC  

I think nationalism in the US, as an organized public movement, is new enough where people don't all have their bearings yet. There are a lot of folks trying to find their way.

2017-05-27 14:31:00 UTC  


2017-05-27 14:31:26 UTC  

Same everywhere but most so in US I think. The perfect time to git 'em 😉

2017-05-27 14:31:38 UTC  


2017-05-27 14:31:48 UTC  

Lots of these folks are looking for a fight, my message is simply, come fight with the best

2017-05-27 14:32:07 UTC  

You got it.

2017-05-27 14:33:42 UTC  

It was the mudflood of 2015 that opened the recruiting pools and caused a massive amount of new people show up in demos, they didn't know much more than that they like Finland and don't like nignogs. Really the perfect recruiting material. Besides, we have the benefit that unlike the parlamentary politicians, we're among the people, and more than a few have seen us in action. While the politicians go on for years about the need to shut the borders and nothing fucking happens.

2017-05-27 14:34:20 UTC  

Better the NS get them before the cucks do. Smashed commie faces are the best recruiting tool, and its something cucks simply don't have.

2017-05-27 14:35:10 UTC  

Yeah, someone who is just waking up to reality will follow anyone who gives them a little hope. Most of those people haven't been given the opportunity to learn the truth about NS. We need to show them the way home.

2017-05-27 14:36:52 UTC  

Letting them know that gathering in a park every few months won't fix our problems, channel your energy into effective efforts, it will also help combat our image issues left over from (((hollywood))) etc. A clean cut white guy in jeans & work boots speaking in a clear way about a path forward.

2017-05-27 14:37:57 UTC  

Like James Mason said: "To us they are merely the unconscious, unwitting, and unwilling carriers of the genes that can, under the proper care and leadership, re-achieve greatness and pull this planet out of its quicksand."

2017-05-27 14:38:11 UTC  


2017-05-27 14:38:20 UTC  

"Any time that a man of good race, cheerfully integrated into “consumer society,” disappoints you, tell yourself that he does not count as a conscious individual; only his blood counts. See in him only what the breeder of horses or dogs considers in his subjects: his pedigree. Let us be frank: what he says, believes, and thinks is of no importance." - SD

2017-05-27 14:38:46 UTC  


2017-05-27 14:40:32 UTC  

Alright I'm going... now the only question is to drive or take other methods... weighing my options now.