Message from @Tato

Discord ID: 611649404046147594

2019-08-15 19:51:44 UTC  

I can't end up too much on the right because capitalism bad

2019-08-15 19:52:07 UTC  

Yeah, I'd expect you closer to the middle and higher

2019-08-15 19:53:13 UTC  

It's a bad test because I believe in an incredibly strong state backed by a mostly free population. Multinational companies are just as much a threat as foreign countries.

2019-08-15 19:53:46 UTC  

So I'm always riding the center line because I like drugs, hate multinationals, but also hate other races and other things that lefties like.

2019-08-15 19:54:03 UTC  

Q#114: 'the internet should be banned'

2019-08-15 19:54:09 UTC  


2019-08-15 19:54:39 UTC  

>incredibly strong state

2019-08-15 19:54:42 UTC  

for what purpose?

2019-08-15 19:54:51 UTC  

Your freedoms aren't guaranteed by foreign invaders.

2019-08-15 19:54:57 UTC  

They would see you annihilated.

2019-08-15 19:55:01 UTC  

Or integrated.

2019-08-15 19:55:05 UTC  

Can't be fuckin havin that.

2019-08-15 19:55:11 UTC  

And it's a dominate or be dominated world.

2019-08-15 19:55:18 UTC  

state power against outside forces: good

2019-08-15 19:55:23 UTC  

against me: bad

2019-08-15 19:55:33 UTC  

Collectives are stronger than individuals, so your collective should strive to be the strongest.

2019-08-15 19:55:47 UTC  

tbh a retarded huge military is the only thing the republicans have right

2019-08-15 19:55:55 UTC  

the collective is the problem

2019-08-15 19:56:00 UTC  

because masses of people are retarded

2019-08-15 19:56:07 UTC  

and only look out for their own desires

2019-08-15 19:56:21 UTC  

That's why they need the guiding hand of the state to make sure they can't veer off the right path.

2019-08-15 19:56:23 UTC  

which are often counter productive to their happiness and long term surival

2019-08-15 19:56:35 UTC  

the state is made up of the worst people in the collective

2019-08-15 19:56:44 UTC  

never trust someone that desires power over you

2019-08-15 19:56:51 UTC  

Lemmings want to be led, so you need leaders to keep them in line.

2019-08-15 19:56:56 UTC  

only trust authorities that are there by virtue of nature

2019-08-15 19:57:06 UTC  

>lemmings want

2019-08-15 19:57:09 UTC  

Razem in 2015: "fuck SLD commied, jail cell for Leszek Miller!"
Razem in 2019: *participates in elections on a "Electoral Committee SLD" list

Kukiz 2015: "PSL is an organised criminal organisation"
Kukiz 2019: *participates in elections on a "Electoral Committee PSL - Polska Razem" list

That's why you should never trust politicians

2019-08-15 19:57:10 UTC  

theres your problem

2019-08-15 19:57:15 UTC  

Fucking shitheads

2019-08-15 19:57:32 UTC  

Who else is gonna be in the retarded huge military.

2019-08-15 19:57:48 UTC  

they've asked me the same shit worded in 5 different ways

2019-08-15 19:57:53 UTC  

Also, it's true that collective is stronger than an individual
But state, especially a highly authoritarian one, is the shitties type of collective

2019-08-15 19:58:15 UTC  

And yeah, it's true

2019-08-15 19:58:22 UTC  

Well you're not gonna enforce anarchy without one. How else are you supposed to stop people from trading their goods with eachother?

2019-08-15 19:58:31 UTC  

The fact that people can't decide for themselves shouldn't be an argument

2019-08-15 19:58:43 UTC  

Or even maintain anarchy? What happens when people collectivize and form their own state in your anarchist collective?

2019-08-15 19:59:05 UTC  

That's why I always say that merely toppling the government isn't enough

2019-08-15 19:59:10 UTC  

There always must be some over-arching sense of authority, otherwise people will deviate.

2019-08-15 19:59:30 UTC  

First we have to convince people that the freedom is the way to go and that they do actually want anarchy

2019-08-15 19:59:32 UTC  

You gotta have some force to prevent that deviation.