Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 316109773550387211
For a time
You mean that the best qualities are enduring? They survive the dialectal process? They survive like in evolution?
@Deleted User of course. The best qualities are not even qualities. They are the essence.
Essence? (I am newish to diamat)
@Deleted User essence is a dialectical matter.
It changes
all the time
But stays
at the same time
OK, so how come we have such shitty art and music nowadays (in general)? Is it because the subjective is a reflection of the objective, and those in the capitalist system are infected with a 'class virus', and thus reflected poorly on the art they produce?
@Deleted User the profit motive of the creation of the quality is a pure perversion of all things.
Wow, that makes a lot of sense.
Is a pure destruction of quality.
The degeneracy.
@Corset Do you think as class consciousness increases so does the quality of art?
Less perverted?
@Deleted User yes. The quality of art is able to meet the beauty of the reality.
That's a pretty powerful thought. Materialism lets you see the world for what it is, without superstitious perceptions, and the standard increases everywhere.
@Deleted User materialism doesn't even care.
It just is
@Corset No, materialism doesn't care. But if our subjective reflects the objective, the quality of our products increase?
@Deleted User If you do things according to how they are?
Completely possible.
I mean, you said that profit motive perverts quality, which makes art shitty. Which means, that socialism makes art better, by increasing quality.
@Deleted User yes.
Materialism makes everything its own
but also relative
When material conditions improve, because of Marxist thought, then so does the quality of art, which is reflected in the minds of artists as materialist thought.
@Deleted User not only
@Corset What do you mean, it makes everything relative?
subjectively too.
@Deleted User matter is constant and relative
At the same time
@Corset Do Marxists only think like materialists?
@Deleted User yes, otherwise they are not Marxist
It is fundamental
I think I understand now. Making art is just apart of human life. It is perverts by profit motives and other falsehoods. But when the perversion is gone, humans are able to express themselves with better quality. They remove perversion with materialist thought. But art is not the aim. Materialist thought and Marxist thought just allows humans to express with better qualify, free from perverted motives.