Message from @Anakin Skywalker
Discord ID: 543643003617542144
@Anakin Skywalker ah, difference between esperanto and español is the latter has 500 million speakers worldwide and is actually worth learning
also spanish doesn't sacrifice word variety for the purpose of being "easier" to learn so you don't end up writing something colorless and without emotion
Im literally half hispanic and im saying hispanic
The only language i should need to know is either english or navajo
why navajo?
Its N a t i v e A m e r i c a n
An all American Language
there's only 170,000 speakers
Como estas
Oh wait
@DCagent Its an American language or we could change the alphabet to own the brits
and create the A m e r i c a n Language
why do I want to create an american language
english is just fine
Because were spiritually superior
We transcend race
I mean
English is just fine
alright, whoever is pranking me, you're doing a great job
But am i wrong
think about it
define transcend
We are united inspite of it and it means nothing to us.
No we are not
@Anakin Skywalker tell that to people in alabama
We need to be united by religion imo
Make christianity the official religion
God no
and begin the process of destroying minority cultures
might just start learning esperanto specifically for this
Religion restricts the people’s freedom
We are creating a spiritual race here
@DA GOMMIE JOO except then you'd be talking with losers who wasted their time to learn esperanto
@DCagent Invite everyone from the republican server
Im gonna troll and dab on them
Christianity and monotheism is like dictatorship but spiritually