Message from @Mr. X

Discord ID: 504164861358637065

2018-10-22 20:12:52 UTC  


2018-10-22 20:12:58 UTC  

Also nice

2018-10-22 20:13:03 UTC  


2018-10-22 20:13:04 UTC  


2018-10-22 20:13:05 UTC  

my favorite

2018-10-22 20:13:19 UTC  

ze youtube spy

2018-10-22 20:13:21 UTC  


2018-10-22 20:18:52 UTC  

@Adolf Hitler i wanna put my dick up your arse

2018-10-22 21:49:33 UTC  
2018-10-23 00:56:24 UTC  

Red is terrible
Red and white is bad
But Red, white and blue is perfect

2018-10-23 02:21:49 UTC  

fuck islam bro

2018-10-23 03:09:43 UTC

2018-10-23 03:20:03 UTC  

Well not that type of red and blue, red stars dont count

2018-10-23 03:20:30 UTC  

I do love white stars though

2018-10-23 05:18:17 UTC  

this is a game russia will not win

2018-10-23 05:18:44 UTC  

Be realistic putin, America is out of your league

2018-10-23 05:19:01 UTC  

Stupid russian

2018-10-23 05:30:17 UTC  

1 minute to midnight

2018-10-23 05:31:09 UTC  

Atleast its not the cuban missile crisis

2018-10-23 05:31:48 UTC  

it was only like 10 seconds to midnight then

2018-10-23 05:34:15 UTC  

Im alright with this arms race though

2018-10-23 05:34:20 UTC  

america will obviously win

2018-10-23 05:34:51 UTC  

I wonder if China will impress me

2018-10-23 05:34:58 UTC  

unlike pathetic old russia

2018-10-23 05:38:55 UTC  

I wouldnt say they need more but it will scare off the dirty easterners

2018-10-23 05:39:09 UTC  

put them in their place

2018-10-23 07:09:08 UTC  

You realise Russia has more nuclear arsenals and tanks than America, right?

2018-10-23 10:08:28 UTC  

russia: okay cold war is over and we can be allies
USA: how about fuck you

2018-10-23 10:18:55 UTC

2018-10-23 10:31:08 UTC  

Strange to hope that after collapse of Soviet Union contradictions between American capital and new Russian capitalists will be overcame. They were united in supression of communist tendency that's correct but they remained as competitors for new markets for sales, workforce and raw materials, new spheres of influence.

2018-10-23 10:37:16 UTC  

Yes, Russian capitalists and imperialism use in their propaganda image of Soviet Union, "anti-imperialist" rhetoric ("imperialism" is US and "collective West" at all but not Russia) not to provide national liberation and socialism in other countries but to establish pro-Russian (in interests of Russian monopolies not working people) regimes and exploit new markets and use spheres of influence in interest of Russian imperialism.

2018-10-23 10:55:31 UTC  

Putin also loves to use the flag of old imperialist Russia (one with the bird emblem)

2018-10-23 11:05:17 UTC  

This is official Russian President standart

2018-10-23 11:12:10 UTC  

Putin loves not just Tsarist Russian sybmol here also white emigrant philosopher Ivan Ilyin who supported fascist movement in Europe, Putin gave Russian citizenship to nazis collaborator (who developed theory of so-called "Russian world" this is second image of capitalist propoganda for all reactionary forces abroad) and also Russian government gives grants for white emigrant black hundred organisations.

2018-10-23 11:19:34 UTC  

We have in Russia "national reconciliation" policy which in fact provides slow liquaidation of Soviet monuments and memory about Soviet period at all and establish pro-White movement vision on October Revolution and Civil war. Government support Russian Orthodox Church which bless personalities of White movement and clergymen supported anti-Soviet forces.

2018-10-23 11:25:22 UTC  

Even when they bless USSR they blessing all conservative and reactionary, restorative tendencies. Military power, powerful state, conservative morals and so on and try find in Stalin ideal of "red monarch" which provided unity of elites and people (corporatist rhetoric which lead to Russian version of fascism in fact).

2018-10-23 15:26:35 UTC  

What’s up fellow commies

2018-10-23 18:46:36 UTC  

@Emperor Nuts hi faggot